The Cure For Creative Block, Performance Block, Artists Block, Writers Block...
Posted on August 27, 2013 by Michael R Dale, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Learn the cure for creative block, performance block, artists block, writers block, whatever you choose to call it... Become an unstoppable force.
It’s a nightmare scenario. You’ve lost your edge and the competition is killing it. You’re out the zone…
All of a sudden you are struggling to get really passionate about anything. You’re work is suffering and your confidence is too…
I need you to know creative block, performance block, artists block, writers block or whatever you choose to call it, is the best thing that can ever happen to anyone, especially a creative professional, an athlete or an artist, writer or performer of any kind.
You probably think I’m crazy, but hear me out…
Whatever kind of block we experience is a call from the soul demanding us to delve deep and reconnect with our core. Demanding us to explore the underworld within. It’s an absolutely pivotal time in a person’s life when suddenly the sub-standard will no longer suffice and the creative system shuts down.
The anger, frustration and even madness it brings are the very emotions from which true creativity springs – if you know how to work with them. I have developed a dynamic system for doing exactly that and results are phenomenal. My creative output has absolutely exploded.
I spent 10 years in ‘creative block’. Since 2012 I have published two books with three more coming in 2014. My poetry is published regularly on alongside Don Miguel Ruiz, Ram Dass and writers for the Huffington Post and Many have appeared on Super Soul Sunday.
Working through your block with my techniques will support you to become an absolutely unstoppable creative force.
Contact me now – overcome the block once and for all.
Let the nightmare end.
Michael Dale
Skype: md-ignite
The Cure For Creative Block, Performance Block, Artists Block, Writers Block… © Michael Dale 2013. All rights reserved.