Change Your Diet, Change Your Shape
Posted on July 31, 2013 by Ros Kaspi, One of Thousands of Business Coaches on Noomii.
Ros describes her thinking process when she unwittingly realizes that she is getting fat and how Mental Toughness techniques came to her rescue.
Did you ever notice how kids and the elderly are the only ones who will tell you the truth?
All the others in between will be politically correct. So when I got the truth from one child and one senior, it was shocking. My four year old grandson asked me “Grandma Do you have a baby in there?
And one week later an 90 year old lady in my building looked at me in the elevator, actually put her had on my stomach and said ” You look pregnant, dear” So I knew I had a problem.
I had unwittingly joined the 1.4 billion overweight adults in the world,
I know it’s kind of hysterical to call 15 pounds of extra weight “obese” but I had to get rid of that middle age spread. I did some research and came across hundreds of weight loss companies selling pills, potions and lotions and promising you immediate results.
So how do you choose? Then I came across a company that claimed to have the secret to weight loss.
1. Select a world class diet
2. Develop the mental toughness to stick to it
This company was offering to train you as a Mental Toughness Coach. That sounded very intriguing. And Mental Toughness can be applied to all aspects of your life. Mental toughness deals with 3 things
Goals – write them down, track them and stick to them
Psychological tools – learning how to trick your subconscious
Accountability – Keeping your word.
1. Goals are slippery things. We write them down, then put them in a drawer and forget about them. But what if I put my weight loss goals on the wall in front of the scale and weight myself every morning and track my progress. Difficult but doable. And let me tell you, it worked
2. Psychological tools – kind of tricky, but one tool is to Think Thin. Using this tool you have to conjure up the thin you every time you reach for a pacifier, whatever that is. My pacifier is bread. This one was so difficult for me. My son and his wife are in a constant bread competition. My son has a bread machine and my daughter-in-law tries to outdo him in the oven. Attempt to leave their house without eating bread. Virtually impossible. But I did it!
3. Accountability – a word that no one likes. Just listen to the news, they are constantly talking about how no one is held accountable, especially the IRS. This accountability thing is a hard one because we all like to blame someone else – blame McDonalds or Dunk ‘In Doughnuts or restaurants. The US may be the only country in the world where a patient sued her doctor for telling her that she is fat… She claimed he humiliated her and called her names.
But I got over the accountability thing by repeating a mantra out loud every day. And this is the mantra. It takes about 10 seconds to say it once.
“I am responsible for my life, for my feelings and for every result I get.”
After 2 minutes of that you really stop the blame game.
In 3 months I managed to shed 15 pounds, without giving birth and to shrink my stomach.
And I did that by using the mental toughness techniques, and you can too.