Who Are You Going To Be Today?
Posted on July 24, 2013 by Pamela Dale, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
I am…
Not yesterday; not tomorrow but right now this moment in your life “who are you?”
What words came to mind? The very first word(s)?
Your words were they positive, negative, uplifting, full of possibility or bursting with gloom?
The extension repeated after “I am” is how you see yourself and the world around you.
“Whatever follows ‘I am’ is going to come looking for you.” Joel Osteen
“I am” are the 2 most powerful words in the English language because the words come back to our own ears and we then hypnotize ourselves with them.
Do you continuously say the same things to yourself over and over like I am too_____________. We all have a word or two we use incessantly to describe ourselves.
A great exercise is to complete the sentence stem “I am” 10 – 15 times without censoring. What words come to mind? This exercise allows us a glimpse into how we really see ourselves.
I believe that each day we wake up we can rewrite our own personality.
Are personalities are not fixed.
It is within our power to change from moment to moment, day to day, year to year.
If you want to know what your life will be like 5 years from now listen to what you are saying to yourself right now.
Whatever we feed will grow.
The simplicity of the words “I am” can fool a person to overlook and disregard them quickly and easily. However, a new word replacing the negative word will change your life.
I am not talking about airy fairy positive thinking. Inside each and every one of us is something great. Dig, dig until you find what is true for you.
Then start your day off from the inside today from a place of truth: I am…
The awareness of how you speak to yourself is the key. You will then be able to catch yourself as you hear the words: “I am tired, fat, broke, lonely, a bad mother” and begin to re-frame them.
Today I am a courageous woman.
How about you?