Job Search Efficiency-7 Methods to help you stay focused
Posted on July 23, 2013 by Jeff Monachelli , One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Job Search Efficiency
7 Methods to help you stay focused in your job search
Life Coaching often involves helping your clients with most aspects of job and career searching, development, and skill building. As a supplement to a head hunter, career counselor or therapist, a savvy Life Coach can help guide you to being your most efficient self.
In addition to preparing a solid resume, catchy cover letters, and creative application strategies; one must manage all the data and information coming in. Job search efficiency is of vital importance.
There are so many aspects involved in job searching and career development: connecting on LINKEDIN, Twitter, Facebook and job boards, selective resume posting; the process of applying for jobs online and via email. All of this is daunting enough.
It is crucial that you have user-friendly methods of organization to help you stay focused. Here are some tools you can use to track your job-related data and contacts:
1) Google Tools
Google tools involve Gmail users accessing correspondence from calendars from any mobile device or PC. You can also use GOOGLE DOCS in conjunction with your email account to create and track documents. If you have a smartphone or tablet, you can download a proprietary application that you can sign into directly to access your files. There may be some limitations depending on the platform you use; yet it is flexible for the most part.
2) Huntsy
Is an online website designed to help you keep track and “hunt” job-related contacts and activity. It can remind you to follow up on an application or interview; send a thank you note, and track resume reads/clicks.
3) Simply Hired
Blog will give you inside information on current employment trends, desirable graduate degrees, and track general career dos and don’ts. Consumer, a consumer ratings website, recently rated as the number one job site.
4) Training Tamer
Training tamer is a job search management tool based in EXCEL. It covers:
*Financial planning involved in job search (interview clothes, travel, online memberships, etc…)
*Weekly schedule “action plan”; putting in 30 hours per week of job searching to avoid burnout and fatigue
*Contacts monitoring
*Job Search Log-keep notes of all contacts and call back field is here as well
*Progress tracking-you can enter weekly task goals to keep you on target
*Resources-job books and sites to assist you in the process
5) Job Pad
Job Pad is a job search tool. It is similar to the aforementioned methods above in some aspects. Here is a YouTube video explaining the service. Click on the “JobPad” link.
6) JobKatch
JobKatch is a system for tracking your online job searches. You can import your email and social network contacts for a seamless networking experience. It uses a calendar-based system to help keep your Monthly view intact.
7) Gist
This site brings all of your connections into one place. You can get automatic updates on those in your professional network. Gist is available on the Web, Gmail, Outlook, iPhone, and the android OS.
This was a brief splash of online job search management tools. There are many more sites and tools to help you get organized, stay organized, and moves towards the future. Or, you can just hire a Holistic Life Coach like me…I can assist with these issues and more! Happy job hunting!
Strive for efficiency and stay focused!