Posted on July 21, 2013 by Nicole Waters, One of Thousands of Career Coaches on Noomii.
An article for CLARITY magazine July-September 2013
As a Life & Career Coach, I work with my clients to achieve a healthy work life balance. Fortunately many of my clients work and live in beautiful South Florida. This location allows us to treat our weekends as mini stay-cations. A time to head to the beach, stick our toes in the sand, and feel the warm ocean air as we release all the stresses of our work week. This is also the time we daydream of the life we wish to have.
So what prevents us from achieving the life we dream of? In my experience, it is often limiting beliefs. These are thoughts which constrain us in some way and are programmed into our subconscious at a very young age. According to Dr. Bruce Lipton, PhD, cellular biologist and author of “The Biology of Belief”, most of our beliefs are in place by the time we are 5 or 6 years of age, and some of our “core” beliefs, things like whether or not we think the world is a friendly place, can be “programmed” while we’re still in the womb. Our beliefs come from interactions with our parents and the people around us during childhood, our religion, community, or any traumatic event. We don’t usually consciously choose what beliefs to hold. We soak them up from our life experiences when we’re too small to have any way of evaluating them, and they become core components of how we see ourselves, other people, and the world.
The good news is that as adults, we can choose to identify and resolve these limiting beliefs and replace them with positive ones. Limiting beliefs are easy to identify because they usually start with “I can’t because…” Once we use the word “because” we have communicated a reason to our brain and then stop trying to reach our goal. Now, we can take that same statement and replace “can’t” with “can” and turn it into a powerful declaration that will result in action steps towards the life we want and deserve. So the next time you are enjoying your stay-cation at home or on the beach, grab a journal and write down the details of your future including the action steps you can take to start living your dreams today.
- See more at: http://www.claritymag.com/new-on-your-marks-get-set-action/#sthash.C8QYvIjl.dpuf