What is this thing called me?
Posted on August 03, 2010 by Maia Berens, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Who is the Real You?
In the Human Experience, from the time you are born until you are roughly seven you are your perfect, authentic self. Then you take on layers of personality. That personality is made up of beliefs, decisions, unresolved and unexpressed emotions, real or imagined perceptions of the world, defense mechanisms and all the influences from around you. You are making a self discovery. What you are doing on your transformational journey is uncovering and sorting out all that is not your authentic self.
Theoretically, you will never be able to completely uncover the Real You except in longer and longer fleeting glimpses. However, you will become adept at sensing the road blocks between your core authentic self and your life.
Envision a golden shining inner core that is continually accessible to you for guidance – this is your intuition – this is the Real You. You can find this through self-discovery.
Further, imagine that you have frosted or opaque glasses through which you perceive and act in your life. Everything you see of yourself is slightly distorted and not quite clear. Coaching can help clear your glasses.
The remainder of this coaching program* will equip you with the tools, perspectives and concepts to support your ongoing journey of transformation and self discovery. It will also help you clear your vision – the glasses you are seeing through will become more and more translucent. As you travel on your self discovery path you will find your true golden self.
My husband says transformation is like learning golf or tennis. I believe learning anything requires focus, commitment and practice, whether it be learning to play a sport, an instrument or the game of life. I can teach you the rudiments of transformation however unless you apply the principles with focus, commitment and practice you will always only be a dabbler. The choice is yours.