How to get more online visibility, clients & cash flow?
Posted on July 08, 2013 by Asha Mankowska, One of Thousands of Money and Finance Coaches on Noomii.
Do you need more clients and significant increase in your cash flow at your biz? Of course! Don't we all?
How to get more online visibility that actually creates constant flow of raving clients and rapidly increases your cash flow?
Do you need more clients and significant increase in your cash flow at your biz? Of course! Don’t we all?
But what do you do when you have been working really hard on your business and you have kept your head down, thinking positive, have diligently working on your biz maybe 2/3 years now and you just don’t know what you are doing wrong or ineffectively? Are you at the point that you not only “want” your web site to take off but you “NEED” it in order to financially survive?
You know that you have to spend top dollar on marketing in order to get to the money making point, but you are not sure what type of marketing would be a good investment for you?
Well then, you need more visibility! How would you get there? You need very strong, massive, marketing campaign that will increase you & your website’s visibility, so more people will know about your services. The more people know about your product and the more they realize how much they need you and the benefits you provide for them, the more clients you will have.
Here are some golden nuggets for you:
When you ask small biz owners how do they get clients, majority of them will say: referrals. Well, that’s great! But what is the exact number of clients you get weekly or monthly from referrals, or what if this number is not enough or you don’t even have established, regular flow of referrals every month. Then what? YOU NEED TO GET CREATIVE!
Let’s face it, if you don’t have an online visibility by now, then it’s impossible to make it. Having the right presence online is equal right now to having an irresistible biz card.
But, don’t get me wrong, there’s more to online visibility than just simply spraying your name all over the Internet and social media or playing on keywords hoping for massive Google juice. Sure, those can get eyeballs on your web page and bring you some eventual prospects but doesn’t necessarily equal a conversion into clients and increased cash flow for you.
I have for you a couple of steps to get the right visibility for YOU and YOUR BIZ:
Step 1: Discover Your OWN Marketing Style that is in alignment with your personality. We’re all wired for marketing success. But your personality has a huge impact in HOW you market yourself. For some, that prefer building relationships, public speaking, networking, social media, blog, radio or video would be the preferred channels.
For others that feel great with numbers & statistics, there will be different ways. Sometimes they will still use the same paths: Social Media or online marketing, but from different reasons. Bottom line: you have to find your own way that feels natural to you, because only then it will be powerful for your visibility.
Step 2: Get Your Business Out of the Shadows! When no one knows you exist and what exactly you can do for them, no one will know they need your services. There are usually 2 ways that cause your business to stay hidden:
A) Ineffective marketing.
If you don’t know your Spotlight Style, then you’re probably trying marketing tactics that are NOT a good match for you. From the way you blog to videos to the style you write your web pages, your Spotlight Style is going to impact all of those.
B) Lack of confidence.
In many surveys, majority entrepreneurs respond that lack of confidence was the main reason what kept them from truly claiming their expertise. Simply put: you have to have the right mindset! There are so many fears you have to deal with along the way. There are fears of being called a fraud, of not being as good as the other expert, of being too young, too old, of not having enough experience or proven track record, of not being a published author… the list goes on and on. No amount of marketing tactics will get you out of this one. This takes getting honest with yourself, embracing your gifts and strengths instead of dwelling over your weaknesses. You have to work on your mindset here: pull yourself up and out of the ruts of insecurity by aligning with your bigger mission.
Step 3: Having the strategy to Create a Strong & Meaningful Online Visibility.
Guess what, you can have all the web traffic in the world, thousands of followers on Twitter, hundreds “Likes” on Facebook, a YouTube channel with a million views and still not make a cent. Possible? Yes, of course! Why? When you building your audience you absolutely you need to look beyond the numbers… There isn’t just a numbers game. The quality of your audience is the most important!
Online visibility isn’t a game of “I made you look because I am so good or fun or smart!” It’s an ongoing dance of “I made you look and got you to realize I am everything you have ever searched for in business, I am the answer to your needs!”
When you know answers to those questions: Who is your ideal client? What types of opportunities do you want to attract? What do you want people to know you for? What’s your expertise? All of these questions must be fleshed out in order to create a MEANINGFUL CONTENT and strong online visibility strategy.
Search engine visibility is hugely important for your biz! The fundamental rule in obtaining high visibility is to have textual content on your pages that contains key terms and phrases that people will use when searching for YOUR type of business online. The second most important rule is to have high quality links to your website. Link popularity is also called page rank. (Wikipedia explains page rank in detail.)
I can tell you right now, that if you become the GO-TO PERSON, an expert in your field your website product will be successful. Sometimes just pretend for a moment that you are a confused, unhappy client of yours and you are trying to get the services that you need. Then You go to , and you are trying to find out: what is it? What is it for? What can it do for you?
When you are absolutely crystal clear about what you are offering and who you serve, you will stand in your power and authority and own your position of who you are to these people and what you can do for them. When you feel it in your heart, and make your website spell it out, you will have raving fans and it will change the face of your business (and your bank balance).
So now after you already Customized Your Marketing To Suit Your Personal Style, what do you do next?
You need to become viewed by potential customers and referrers as a subject matter expert and a fixture in their online communities and in-person communities as time allows. This means guest blogging on Your Biz blogger sites, possibly writing articles for publications, joining Facebook groups and LinkedIn, Twitter groups and adding to the discussion without selling, and physically showing up at networking meetings, where you can invite people to your website to check you out. Basically you just get in front of your future clients, let them know who you are and that you can help them, and make it very easy for them to know you and say yes to what you are offering.
There are 2 main options how you can do all of the above:
A) Do-It-Yourself Option: awesome if you love marketing, know how, and have a passion for learning about this, spend hundreds of hours per month on research like me, and you know exactly your desired outcome and how to get there.
B) Delegate all or some of the work to your Director of Marketing suitable for your needs. Let’s say that your situation is quite opposite. Now you know a lot, but you decided it’s not for you and you would like to concentrate on your gifts and main skills: your job.
You are not the Alfa & Omega, well unless you are. You don’t have to know everything about everything. But even if you decide that you absolutely hate marketing and you prefer to hire someone (a company or a consultant) to do the job for you, its always great to know if your contactor is doing really good job and you have significant results that you can measure! Well, that’s why is good to know HOW to actually measure your outcome.
Have fun and good luck!