Posted on June 30, 2013 by Joseph Wszolek, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
You are not your job!
During these difficult economic times, you may find yourself in a work situation such as losing your job through no fault of your own. Or, you may have decided to voluntarily leave your job to transition into another job, or perhaps to retire. Regardless of the particular circumstances, it is possible that your life has been deeply rooted in your job or career. And now, without the job, you may feel at a loss and may be wondering what to do with this “emptiness”.
Particularly, with extended periods of unemployment, your self-esteem and confidence may be tested. It appears this may happen more intensely if you believe that you are your job, and that without a job, you are nothing or “less than”. It is not until you realize that you as a human being have value, regardless of the amount in your bank account, the value of your car, the size of your house, or your employment status….that you will begin to feel more confident about your particular situation and be able to move yourself forward toward success.
For some odd reason, we consider children more as “human-beings” and adults as “human-doings”. Just because we’ve grown up doesn’t mean we lose our “human-being” status and turn into a “human-doing”. I think the focus on our “doings” may be dangerous during these difficult times, because unless you have very high self-esteem and confidence, a job transition or loss may make it more difficult to positively move forward to success.
As I go about my business shopping, driving, walking, etc., I find many people who turn themselves off to others, as they go about their busywork. They won’t look you in the eye, because that may mean interacting with another human being. But sometimes I encounter others who are living in the present and will smile and share their humanness for that moment in time. In some respects, it appears that some people are acting more like robots than humans.
Copyright 2013 Joseph Wszolek/Coaching By Joe