IAM Created for Something
Posted on June 25, 2013 by Quadeera Teart, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Everyone has been purposefully created for something. This truth has been with us since conception, you can make the connection!
As children we often daydream about our futures as adults. As a child you dream and imagine what it looks and feels like to be rich. So many people are working towards the dream of being rich that they lose sight of the true purpose of their existence! As we have all seen the Behind the Music specials, and other celebrity documentaries, the story goes that you can acquire riches through different choices of profession, inheritances, or other paths, but until you gain a sense of purpose, the riches will only scratch the surface of your happiness.
I have read many books, had many conversations, attended seminars, and even day dreamed about the purpose of my creation, our creation. I have often wondered about my beautiful voice, my love for music, my love for writing, my passion for people, and the list goes on. I have also wondered why have these talents been given to me, and how do they work together, or do they even work at all? I would see the singer on the stage, and feel so far away from even having a chance at her accomplishments, or read the books of my favorite author, and feel that work as good as his was impossible for me to accomplish. Still, with all of that fear and self-doubt clouding my existence there was still an awareness within me that screamed…I WAS CREATED FOR SOMETHING!
My life path began with inspiring parents with inspiring journeys. The message I captured from my parental teachers, is GREATNESS is in us all. It took years for me to really understand what GREATNESS IS. Knowing your purpose, knowing your divinity, knowing yourself, isn’t something that comes automatically, it is a work in progress, and you are either ready for the ride, or you’ll be stuck on your slope in neutral. Knowing my purpose came from years of self-study, experiences, prayer, and meditation, as well as years of rebellion, wrong choices, and frustration.
Everyone has a voice that speaks to them in the silence of their minds, hearts, and souls. A lot of times we unknowingly wear our purpose on our sleeve through our voice, our actions, and our creations. For example, I know a man who gives to the homeless with every opportunity that is presented to him, whether he is up financially, or down financially. However if you ask this same man, what is his purpose in life, he will tell you he doesn’t have one, he was made without a care. While it can be true that he doesn’t have to be the famous man who saved the homeless, it is obvious where his passions lye. He walks with the homeless on his sleeve, and passionately lends his hands in his own small, but perfectly sized way for him. So I say, this is his purpose; it makes him happy, it gives him peace, and it is something that he doesn’t have to think twice about doing; sounds like PASSION to me. But the point behind this passionate story, is this can be your happiness in every moment. Take note of your passions, and use them to make your dreams reality, to make life a joy to wake up to everyday of your life.
Years ago when I made my transition from teenager to Phase I of my adolescence, I read the book titled, Inspiration, written by my favorite author, Dr. Wayne Dyer. Dr. Dyer was one of the first to inspire and teach me the truth about myself, and my FEARS. He described FEAR as false-evidence-appearing-real; this was somehow one of the most captivating theories I had ever come to learn. As I began approaching thirty years of age, I decided that there was so much I had not done with my life, and all my dreams were flying left and right, or to the side, instead of the only direction I wanted. I began researching my dreams, taking chances, overstepping boundaries I had created for myself, and releasing myself from the shackles that bound me for over fifteen years. I became fearless and daring; the more boundaries I stepped over, and rocks I climbed, the more aware I became, and the more purpose spoke to me. I followed the dreams inside of me, and I am still following the dreams inside of me that whisper IAM Created for something.
It is this dominating thought process of who I really am, that keeps me unveiling more of myself to myself, and the world. The funny thing is that through this research, self-discovery, and dreaming, I have discovered that I was not created for one destiny, or one purpose, but an intertwining purpose, connecting me with the source of my being. But it all started with one dream, one purpose, one question, one ME! Books, television shows, coaches, motivational speakers, and others with their own purpose, have helped me to discover why I was purposely created. Had the ones before me not listened to that voice that said, you are created for something, I may not have discovered my own truth. How do you know you were created for something? Well here’s my take…we live in a supply and demand kind of universe; someone must have needed me, so here IAM, and so my purpose goes.