The Secret to Your Complete Life
Posted on June 22, 2013 by Martha Nugent , One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
What if ... the secret to living a complete life was you? Well, it is.
You are the secret. Get on board. Grow your own Leader!
OUR world is changing, developing, and moving at a very fast pace. Business leaders, entrepreneurs, and world leaders are discovering the impact leadership training can have on a group, team, corporation, or organization. Not the old paradigm of leadership. The new one.
The new paradigm empowers leaders to ‘share’ leadership. The true leaders always did. Somewhere along the line, some ‘leaders’ got the idea that a true leader had ‘followers’.
Not anymore. True leaders empower others to BE leaders. True leaders practice this shared leadership and use discretion – always. They want you to have the attention. They don’t need it. True leaders love ideas and encourage YOU to have your own and acknowledge YOU when you do. True leaders consider ‘Truth’ and ‘Integrity’ as essential. They champion change and life-long learning. They practice leadership consciously.
True leaders live a complete life and they are found not only in corporations and organizations. They are everywhere. They are YOU! You are already a leader. The question is HOW do you show up?
The secret to living a complete life, and being a leader in your life, family, world—
is to simply focus your energy on ‘the inside’ then focus ‘out’. Leadership begins with you. The first course of action is simple.
Begin with self-leadership. Grow your-Self! Raise YOUR energetic levels to access your own power. Learn about it by reading and get coaching around how to take who you are and express it in what you do and how you do it.
Coaching can successfully transport you from a simple ‘I and me’ identity to leader-identity. You have everything you need to access your truest self and potential to create possibility of living a truly extraordinary life. Your complete life coach partners with you to create it, then build it.
Create and build success, your style!
It’s waiting for you.
by Marthe Nugent, M.Ed.,CPC