Boost Your Confidence on the Job When Speaking to Others
Posted on June 07, 2013 by Wendy Robinson, One of Thousands of Career Coaches on Noomii.
Quick tips on how to boost your confidence when speaking to others at work...especially when you are the new kid on the block!
I remember when I was just starting out as a professional in corporate America. I was young, largely untrained in corporate etiquette and I made all kinds of mistakes.
One technique I learned when speaking to others in the office was to always look them in the eye and smile. It set the tone and showed that I meant business but in a nice way. This also showed the person I was speaking to that I was confident and that I respected myself.
Also, when speaking on the phone I learned to answer with a pleasant attitude instead of one that was annoyed and hurried. When I was making a call, I always gave my name before asking for whomever I was calling for. Again, this shows self-respect and confidence.
Practice this each time you communicate with others in the office and you will quickly boost your confidence within your own spirit AND in the minds of others!
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