Cleaning Out My Closet
Posted on June 01, 2013 by Lisa Scott, One of Thousands of Family Coaches on Noomii.
Having a clutter free home and life is essential for achieving your goals. Noah's Ark Advocacy can assist you in this area.
Cleaning Out My Closet
This weekend I spent time cleaning out my place. Geez you don’t realize how much paper, old bills and just stuff gets accumulated under the bed and in drawers. Why do we hold on to this stuff? It is just stuff after all. My new rule is that if I haven’t used it or needed it in the last six months, I should chuck it. Notice I said the word “should”; I’m still in the process of letting go of some stuff. I always have that fear in the back of my mind. What if a year from now, I need this item? Which has happened to me before!
It’s about balance as they say. If you don’t want to get rid of some paper work; another option is to scan it onto your computer. I’ve been doing this for a couple years now. It has helped me de-clutter some what. Most of my bills these day are sent electronically. Quite a few company’s now charge you for a paper bill. I find sometimes I need a friend or family member to help de-clutter my place. Other wise I would hardly get rid of anything! How many paintings or drawings do you need from when you were 5?
I find when my home is de-cluttered then my mind becomes less cluttered. I can feel relaxed in my home and my life:)
If you don’t tackle all this stuff, it starts to own you and take hold of your life. This problem can turn into hoarding. If you have ever watched that reality show “Hoarders” then you will know how it can easily turn into a health hazard.