Rabbit Hole: Mind or Heart
Posted on July 15, 2010 by Ken Germann, One of Thousands of Entrepreneurship Coaches on Noomii.
The article tells about my choice to choose a spiritual path and the events that occurred that led me to where I am today. 05/2010
Insanity is often defined as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” Following this definition, many of us get stuck in what I call “karmic jail.” We have not reached the point in our lives where we are ready to take the red pill as Neo did in The Matrix. We continually follow this cyclical path. We make progress operating within the limitations of our comfort zones. We come to the edge of that rabbit hole Morpheus talks about in The Matrix. The cyclical rubber band path of our lives stretches just far enough to where we can peer down the rabbit hole. We know in our hearts we have the ability to ascend to a higher state of being, a higher state of living, a higher state of loving, but we let our ego minds talk us out of that possibility. We are comfortable where we are. Why should we change? Whatever fears or image of ourselves we have lets that rubber band snap back to its original form. We are back to our normal lives having lost our “Get out Karmic Jail Free” pass.
Our minds will find hundreds of ways of talking ourselves out of our own personal ascension or elevation to the place where we are able to shift from mind center to heart center. The mind is about solutions. The heart is about answers. Choosing the red pill is about shifting our lives from mind centeredness to heart centeredness, exchanging logic for faith, love and passion. We need to have faith that the rabbit hole is a safer place for us to be, safer than being stung by the snap of the rubber band. The farther we move from the illusions of the life that rubber band corralled for us, the faster we gain a new perspective of the heart centered Universe. With each step we take moving past the boundaries of our old lives, our inner light shines brighter. The messages on how to improve our lives will start flowing in. Watch for them. Listen to them. They come in threes.
The three major events of my life that helped me find the courage to allow my inner light to shine and allow my own plunge into the rabbit hole were my divorce, my moving away from family and friends, and finally, having the opportunity to experience the greatest love of my life. The magic was in the 90 m i n u t e cataclysmic shift in my perception on love and r e l a t i o n s h i p s while sitting in the back seat of a rental car, the most unlikely place for a magical and memorable event. For 90 minutes we talked, joked and learned about each other. Even in the brief moments of silence we understood each other. There was an unspeakable purity that existed between us that day. I had the chance to experience a perfect love, a perfect friendship, and a perfect trust in an imperfect world. That summer day in June, I received one of the greatest gifts ever given to me. I had given permission to myself to follow whatever course I was led to follow.
The secret Morpheus never told Neo or his consorts is that once you give yourself permission to take the path down that rabbit hole, the rabbit hole never ends. Whatever mistakes were made and events that occurred after that moment were the catalysts I needed to escape my own karmic jail. My life came full circle as everything I needed began manifesting. There’s no way I could have planned it any better than it happened. I was driven out of my mind and into my heart. I’m grateful for that gift that was given to me that day. In the greatest love of my life, I discovered my greatest passion— the path of the sage. For me the rabbit hole was the dark hole inside myself, empty for most of my life, but now with a purpose. I loved myself enough for the first time to be vulnerable to the possibilities that this path opens for me. The signs that keep appearing in my life are the affirmations that confirm my movement forward. In life, love is the difference.