Coaching Results in Career Advancement
Posted on May 03, 2013 by Kristin L, One of Thousands of Business Coaches on Noomii.
Chicago Tribune's "Top 5 Personal Coaching Myths" Coaching results in 300% ROI & 48% higher quality. Imagine the possibilities for the self-employed
There are a lot of misconceptions and myths about coaching; the Chicago Tribune tackles several of these myths head on in their article titled Top 5 Personal Coaching Myths. We would like to put a spotlight on them individually, starting with their second pick: “Coaching is a nice employment perk.” The myth that coaching is just an afterthought, a mere perk tossed in with the rest, is a common misconception. You can find the article here:,0,7666810.column
The fact is, coaching results in career advancement in the way of increased productivity and satisfaction. Employees who chose to utilize their coach benefits experienced a 61% increase in job satisfaction. These same employees also enjoyed a whopping 48% increase in quality as well as an impressive 67% improvement in teamwork. To top it off, according to the article, “a study of Fortune 500 telecommunications companies by MatrixGlobal found executive coaching resulted in a 529 percent ROI.” In other words, coaching is just as important to your job as the chair you sit on. Coaching helps you do a be your best at work, while feeling your best doing the best; this flows to career advancement whether you work for yourself or not.
The article does a great job of highlighting the truth about this, however it does deserve a bit more explanation. While those are some mighty fine numbers taken from some surely amazing corporate establishments; this doesn’t even touch on the impact that coaching can do for the self-employed. As for the Chicago Tribute article, it mentions “wellness programs [such as life coaching] have been shown to provide approximately a 300% return on investment (ROI).” Imagine what the ROI would be to the business if an business owner invested in his- or herself.
As for those who are employed by other companies, coaching is a great way to help you step up from the rest by honing in on your personal strengths and applying them at the office.
Either way, if you want to make the most out of your career, you need an ally and you need a guide! This is where Personal Domination comes in. If you are happy in your job, a coach can help you discover new talents that you can potentially add to your already enjoyable work. If you are unhappy in your job a coach can help guide you to create the right opportunity by honing your talents and making the most of your given situation.
If you are struggling in your job a coach can help you learn a different approach to the task or find education opportunities to help you achieve success. Feel free to contact personaldomination at gmail for more information on how Personal Domination can help you, both on the clock and off. Developing a personal brand is only one of the ways a Personal Domination coach can help you achieve your career goals; whether you self-employed, happily employed, or still looking.