Square pegs square pegs S q u a r e P e g s ...
Posted on April 17, 2013 by z zz, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Fitting in, drama, friendship, Uniqueness
I do not think that all of the people that easily fit into the world can imagine what it is like to stand out in your formative years. To have your skin tone be just a little too mocha for a vanilla bean town. To have your hair be just curly enough too have complete strangers ask “What are you? Like ½ What?” Half what Half What??? What the hell can that possibly mean to an 8 year old an 8 year old that already doesn’t fit not only in the world as a whole but does not fit in their own family. Imagine the thoughts that raced through my mind? Am I half Dog, Cat, Pig… monster? Now add these life altering voids that have you questioning your ability to thrive, your personal struggle to try and navigate your way in a world where a solid truth is nonexistent for you even though it is visible to you available to everyone around you, yet you just can’t attain it no matter how hard you try. Lets just tally the against column shall we. Born into Soap Opera drama that I was not privy to for more than a decade however felt the pain of it just the same daily, looks just too different for suburbia, bucked teeth that could challenge any beaver, 2 sisters that look alike yet Nothing like you. Add an major dose of A.D.D. before there was such a thing… oh and the crème de la Crème lets make this peg not just square let’s make this peg Chunky. Now try to fit in… I dare you! With each painful unanswered question food became the temporary answer… I used to think that each and every pound formed the person I am yet now I realize that each and every ounce was there to protect me… the unanswered questions, the sheer ability to ignore my pain these ounces crept on to let me know that I was not alone and that someone cared if I made it, someone cared that I be nourished albeit abundantly nourished I was nourished. I cared I knew that I was worth saving, I was worth growing… it didn’t matter that I was not a delicate orchid… I still mattered I may not be like all the other flowers, I was a cactus and I am worth the trouble of the truth in spite of my thorns. The truth is showing itself more and more lately… some days it is a lot of truth to handle but you know what it is what it is… and Press on is all you can do. I would hope that we all can find beauty in every plant from the orchid to the cactus and take the time to learn what each one requires so they we can give each other what we need to thrive isn’t they the ultimate goal? Being a square peg is only an issue if you are trying to be something you are not and you are trying to fit in a hole not meant for you but for someone else. Cheers to being different!