Don’t Hit Your Brother in the Head
Posted on April 03, 2013 by Jacqui Wilson, One of Thousands of Christian Coaches on Noomii.
Don’t Hit Your Brother (or Sister) in the Head with a Rock; Rock Out a Different Way!
(Read with the pictures at
It happened again! You and your friend did the same thing, but others liked his better. You are mad. Very angry. Yours was good too! Why did they like his better?
A long time ago, there were two brothers named Cain and Abel, who took special gifts to God. Cain brought fruit from his garden, and Abel brought one of his fattest sheep. God was more pleased with Abel’s gift, and Cain was very angry. Later, Cain attacked his brother and killed him. Genesis 4:1-8.
Some people say that Cain hit his brother in the head with a rock, but the bible does not say this. It does not make a difference. Any type of rock can hurt. Rocks can be bad actions or words toward a person. Any way you try to attack someone, it is not good. Everyone is our neighbor, our brother or sister.
So, you were thinking about how you were going to get back at your friend. You wanted him to look bad, so you can look better. You thought about saying bad things about him behind his back. You thought about trying to make him cry. You thought about stop being his friend.
BUT after thinking about it for a long time, you decide this is not right. You need to rock out a different way.
ROCKING OUT! Activities
1. Make a rock jar! After thinking about it, you decided you did not do your best. From now on, you will do your best. To keep track, you find an old jar. Every time you do your best, you will add a tiny rock to your jar until it’s full.
2. Make a painted rock garden! After thinking about it, you decided you did do your best. So, you are going to think about how great you did instead of thinking about your friend. You decide to make a painted rock garden. Around your yard, you find rocks about the size of your hand. You paint each rock a different bright color. Then, on each rock, you write one positive word about yourself.
3. Go rock climbing! After thinking about it, you don’t know if you did your best or not. You are still mad, but you want to do the right thing. You decide to go rock climbing. When you finish rock climbing, you feel much better.
If you have other ways to rock out, leave a comment. AND don’t forget to visit There are books and more just for you.