It ALL begins and ends in your Mind!
Posted on March 18, 2013 by Coach Arthur, One of Thousands of Family Coaches on Noomii.
If we begin parenting with the thought that parenting begins and ends in our minds, we will accomplish more successful encounters with our children.
One of the most difficult and rewarding jobs we can have during our earth existence is being a parent. That being said, there are no manuals for this GREAT Task.
I submit to you that if we begin parenting with the thought that parenting begins and ends in our minds, we will accomplish more successful encounters with our children.
If you give Power to following thoughts: I am a good parent, I am patient with my children, I am understanding of the life my children lead when they are in school, I am firm but LOVING to my children, I discipline my Children with respect, I LOVE my children. I know these qualities will take over your life once you allow them into your mind.
Think about it, what if you woke up tomorrow with the above thoughts, plus the thought of having a GREAT weekend with your children in-spite of whatever happened tonight!?
Try it!
It all begins and ends in Your mind. What you give Power to, has Power over You, if you allow it!
Happy Parenting,
Coach Arthur
Parent/Teen Life Coach