Quick and Easy Goal Setting Tips
Posted on March 16, 2013 by Beth Koehler, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Do you want something new – different – better?
How’s it going? Have you achieved these goals? ….. No? Why not?
Setting goals can be a fun exercise, you get to envision a new and improved life/event/body/relationship. Your visions always feel good and you see the bright side of life.
Unfortunately, too many times, your goals don’t come to true. You say “I tried so hard but I couldn’t do it, or maintain it, or find the time, or I was too scared to even try.” You failed and it doesn’t feel good at all.
What happened? Here are 2 suggestions on how to actually achieve your goal.
1. Did you set an attainable goal? Something honestly within reach?For example, if you wanted to start going to the gym, did you say “I’ll go every day or even 5 times a week for 1-2 hours a day”? If you tried to maintain that schedule immediately, did something else in your life suffer? Did you make it for the first 3 days then start feel overwhelmed or pressured to maintain that pace? Since you didn’t go 5 times a week, did you feel you failed and quit going all together
That goal was a big commitment, like going from 0-60 in 10 seconds. You expected to change your life, fairly drastically, overnight. Could you start a bit slower? Set aside 1 hour, maybe 3 times a week for 3 weeks and see how you might need to adjust the other parts of your life to accommodate your new hours. Get used to the new routine then, increase the amount at the gym slowly, keeping it in balance with the rest of your life
Before taking on a big change, it is helpful to experience some measure of success first. Be proud and build your future goal from a feeling of accomplishment, not failure.
2. What frame of mind were you in when you set the goal?
There is a big difference between setting goals from a feeling of joy and anticipation rather than from a feeling of guilt or trying to prove something
For example, suppose you want a perfectly manicured yard with beautiful flower beds because your dad always had that, only to find that it takes a lot more time and energy than you had thought. Time that you’d rather spend elsewhere BUT your father did it so, what’s the matter with you?
You were trying to live your dad’s life and not honoring your own path. That’s not fair to you or your dad. Your talents grew into something very different yet, equally as honorable as your father’s. What are your goals? What do you want to create? How do you want to bring beauty into your life, on your own terms?
When you start dreaming your own dream, it’s got a much better chance of coming true.
Have fun with your goals. Dream big. Get excited about the outcome. What about the how’s and where’s you say? Well, they just seem to take care of themselves.