How to Stimulate Emotional Healing
Posted on March 10, 2013 by Keriomi Timpson-Bey, One of Thousands of Relationship Coaches on Noomii.
Emotional healing requires dedication and commitment to look within for the answers.
Remind yourself daily on the goals and objectives you’re working on. Remain focused on them day and night until you’ve reached each one of them, the benefits are enormous.
Start the day with a grateful heart, things could be much worst. Reflect on everything good in your life, the blessings are too numerous to count if you really think about it. Let the word grateful be your daily mantra.
Center yourself on love and compassion, and you’re sure to receive the same energy it in return. You are a reflection of everything you see. When you begin to look upon people (even your enemies) as love, as spirit, as connected to all things, you then begin to experience a shift in your perception. You will soon realize all things are connected and evolves from love.
Choose empowering thoughts, and repeat them as mantras. Power thoughts are divine action commands: love, joy, laughter, purpose, affection, delight, cherish, treasure, beauty, bliss, service, etc.
Look into the faces of each person you pass today and smile, expecting nothing in return. Generosity can be expressed without much effort, and it doesn’t cost a thing.
Listen to the birds sing their first thing in the morning, their chorus ensemble usually packs a powerful tune. Their melody is perfect and is capable of stimulating even the most unsuspecting soul.
Embrace the joy you feel in your soul, it’s unequivocally yours to share with the world. Don’t just hold on to it, give liberally to all you meet and greet. Bestowing joy is one of the most liberating acts of kindness you can give to another human being.