Our sensitive children
Posted on March 10, 2013 by Alan Wilson, One of Thousands of Family Coaches on Noomii.
Children are sensitive to their parents emotional state.
Our approach has found that the type of connection between people is fundamental to successful and happy relationships.
You might have noticed your children can sense the mood you’re in before you enter a room? I wanted a generic term for this type of ‘connection’, so I’ve been using the phrase ‘energetic connection’. It can also be described as intuition, instincts, gut feeling, sensing, knowing, love and what Neuroscience is explaining as our interconnectedness with everyone. This energetic connection can have profound implications for our personal relationships.
Have you noticed :
When you enter a room full of strangers you can feel comfortable or uncomfortable? Someone saying, “I was just thinking of that” or you have said it yourself? If the phone rings and it’s someone you haven’t seen or heard of for sometime, but you’ve been thinking about them? You can sense someone behind you without hearing them?Then you have experienced that ‘energy’ and it’s always there for you to access. This energy has a huge impact on the quality of a connection between two people and the parents we have worked with have noticed that children are infinitely more sensitive.
You know how when you’re feeling relaxed, it can feel like you’re more able to instinctively know what it is your baby wants? I believe this is because when we are relaxed we can more easily pick up on the energy that flows between us and others.
Our use of the term energetic connection is a simplification of the connection between science and spirituality. The work of Dr Claude Swanson is the most comprehensive and easy to understand reference I’ve found on the subject, the more open minded you are, the more you will take from his work.
The biggest influence on your potential to connect energetically is how good you feel about yourself.
When you feel good about yourself everything feels easier – the children are happier and more content, but when you’re angry or stressed the opposite is true. When your emotions are up in the air or you’re focussing on your problems, you’re very unlikely to have a positive connection.
I believe there is huge potential in this positive energetic connection.
Developing awareness of these experiences opens up the possibilities of the positive energetic connection in your relationships.
Why is this important in our parent support?
These are the more obvious reasons:
It helps you realise you can trust your instincts/intuition/sensing/knowing more. It helps you realise how sensitive your children are, how innately connected they are and how even thoughts are transmitted. Children with labels – ‘learning difficulties’, ‘dyslexia’, ‘A.S.D’ are likely to be even more sensitive to others energy. There’s a growing body of evidence showing how children take responsibility for their parents’ emotional state. By making children aware of this energetic connection, they can trust their innate abilities and have confidence in themselves. By encouraging children to explore their energetic connection with others, they are opening up a whole world of possibilities and opportunities.