Today Is Fully Loaded!
Posted on July 04, 2010 by Tom Patterson, One of Thousands of Leadership Coaches on Noomii.
Every day has the potential to be lived fully, and on purpose.
I try to make it a practice of looking at today’s date (whatever it is on that day), and saying to myself: “Today is _____, 2010. It is the only _____, 2010 I will ever have, and there will never be another. What’ll I do with it?” I’ll invite you to recite the same thing, and ask ask the same question.
What will you do with this date? What options do you have? How can you maximize the potential that this unique day holds for you and those around you? Today is fully loaded!
Imagine all the possibilities in marriage, other committed relationships, parenting, friendships, work relationships, recreation, relationships with neighbors on either side of you, care for your physical well-being, diet, spiritual development, new discoveries, adventure, unfinished business, skill-sharpening…and the list goes on.
One of the realities we all face, though, is the limited number of minutes in each unique day. Having some idea of the direction we want today’s options to point toward matters, too. It’s not just that we get to fill our days with all kinds of fun and energizing stuff, but that we can also choose to do more of the kinds of things we want our lives to be about. Most of us human beings find that purposefulness matters…a lot.
What’s your sense of where you want your life to be heading? How will you know when you’re getting closer to it? What kinds of things have been signs to you along the way that suggest you’re making some headway? What kinds of things tend to trip you up, and how do you move through them? What are you discovering along the way that helps you learn what’s important, and what turns out to be not so important? What will you do when others want you to embrace their version of what’s important, even if you don’t personally share it?
This is the “tip of the iceberg” of the kinds of questions I ask coaching clients. It’s fun for me and for them to get clearer and clearer on what they want their lives to be about, and it makes it so much easier to create margins of time and energy, and to figure how to make the most out of today’s unique offerings.
Today is fully loaded! So here’s to making the most, and bringing your best, to the only _____, 2010 there will ever be!