HOW to prevent the fight or flight trap for women!
Posted on February 22, 2013 by Adrienne MacDonald, One of Thousands of Business Coaches on Noomii.
The Prosperity Hormone for Women, no longer a secret!
Oxytocin the missing key for you has now been re-discovered.
Prosperity is inner peace. Prosperity is self-acceptance. Prosperity is unconditional love.
Prosperity is joy.
And you don’t have to seek any of that because it’s here, right here, now.
You know the good old saying – " the grass is greener on the other side"; its actually greener on the inside.
So what is this prosperity hormone for women?
It called the Oxytocin!
For years women have been told to “make it happen” or “just allow it to happen, its all good” both statements cause a woman to tap into the adrenaline hormone causing her body to go into fight or flight or sometimes freeze which can cause illness, depression and fatigue.
Oxytocin allows a women to tap into a state of ease-fulness which allows women to connect and bond in a whole NEW way!
Women require this hormone to THRIVE.
OXYTOCIN is the PROSPERITY hormone for women,and allows you to BE more. CREATE more. COLLABORATE more,with EASE and LESS STRESS.
It transforms your body from FIGHT or FLIGHT mode to a state of CREATE and COLLABORATE.
• Increases your body’s ability to HEAL
• Reduces ANXIETY – promotes calmness
and a peaceful mind
• Is a tool that helps you blossom towards
your life and business.
Oxytocin the missing key for you has now been re-discovered.
Adrienne MacDonald