Heart Health
Posted on February 18, 2013 by Alyssa Silva Lee, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
February is Heart Health Month!!!
What steps are you taking to keep your heart healthy?
There are so many ways to keep your heart healthy. Here are just a few easy steps for a healthier heart and a healthier YOU!
Eat your way to a Healthy Heart
Cut down on your salt intake: People today are consuming sodium in high amounts. According to the CDC we are eating 3,400 mg of sodium a DAY! Most of us should really only be having 1,500 mg of sodium in a day. If you eat too much of it, you are at risk of high blood pressure and it is a major contributor to heart disease and strokes. So put down that salt shaker and use other tasteful choices such as, cilantro, pepper, garlic powder (not garlic salt), fresh squeezed lemon, etc.
More Fruits and veggies: Haven’t you heard that saying, an apple a day keeps the doctor away?!? Of course you have! Eating fruits and vegetables gives you the nutrients and fiber your body needs.
A little bit of Exercise goes a long way
A body in motion: Keep that body moving! Your heart needs exercise to keep it healthy. 30 minutes a day of some type of sweat promoting exercise does a heart good! If you can’t commit to a 30 minute workout schedule a day, break it up into 10 minute intervals. Walk briskly for 10 minutes in the morning, 10 minutes before or after lunch, and then again 10 more minutes before or after dinner. Be realistic about your exercise times. Start off slow and work your way up. Remember, you have legs, use them!
Pump some iron: Work those muscles! Your most important muscle is your heart, to keep it strong a little weight training goes a long way.
Try interval training: Little bursts of intensity to moderate exercises can be a great way to rein in your cholesterol and also help slow your heart rate, which is a sign of cardiac health!
Emotions can be hazardous for your health
Smile: Don’t worry, be happy! Did you know negative emotions can raise your blood pressure? Depression is also a factor in heart health. People who are depressed are four times more likely to have a heart attack. Emotional stress causes physical stress. Haven’t you seen those commercials of depressed people also having physical pain? There is a powerful connection between mind and body. Here are a few helpful suggestions to stay happy and less stressed: Exercise (30 minutes a day goes a long way), Breathe (take deep breaths a few times a day while at work or even at home), Meditation, You time, and whatever else makes YOU happy!
Treat your heart with care and love this month and the months to follow.