Change Your Language, Change Your Reality
Posted on February 07, 2013 by Amanda Upton, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Words carry a charge. They are heavy with feeling and have the power to create our reality.
Words carry a charge. They are heavy with feeling and have the power to create our reality. The words we use to describe ourselves, even in brief passing moments, affect the way we think, the way we behave, and the way we live. Words are that powerful. Think about it…how do you feel when you say things like:
I am so stupid. I am fat. I dont know how. I am not smart enough. I always say the dumbest things. I’m afraid. I’m such a fool.
Do you feel beautiful, empowered, or confident? My guess is no. And if saying things like this don’t empower you, then what do they do? Most likely, they make you feel stupid, fat, dumb, afraid, etc….When you describe yourself using the statements such as the ones above or similar, you are telling yourself you are those things. In essence, you are what you say you are. It’s that simple. If you keep describing yourself as stupid and afraid you reinforce those feelings and create that reality.
So, how do you want to describe yourself? What emotional charge do you want to spark? Check out the statements below. Notice how they make you feel as you read them.
I am knowledgable. I know enough. I am smart. I speak from my heart. I’m exploring being fearless. I am learning about myself.
What did you notice? Did you like what you felt? I thought you would.
Here’s Today’s Challenge:
1. For the rest of the day, take an inventory of how you describe yourself, how you identify yourself to others, and how you talk about yourself to others.
2. Write these things down.
3. Is there a theme that surfaces? Do you say one thing more than others? Is there one identifying label that you cling to? (“I’m so stupid”)
4. Now, switch that label to something that is more empowering. (“I am smart” or “I’m committed to embracing my inner wisdom”)
5. Spend tomorrow describing yourself with this new label.
What do you notice? Which label feels better? Which label best describes you and makes you feel like the amazing, confident, beautiful person you are?
Change your language, change your reality. Start now.