Free Life Lesson: You're on Fire! Turn Down The Heat in 3 Steps
Posted on February 03, 2013 by Matthew Schaecher, One of Thousands of Leadership Coaches on Noomii.
Learn to control your mind through meditation and live in the moment, appreciating your abundance.
Step 1: Reflect on how hot the desire fire is. Write down a list of material items you’ve considered purchasing or wish you had the money to purchase in the last 24 hours. Be honest with yourself, we all want more, it’s perfectly normal.
Step 2: Put it into context. Write a list of the times in the last 24 hours you reflected on what you already have and how much you truly are grateful for it. Did you verbalize it. Did you use it to bring peace to someone else.
Step 3: Sit down and shut up! It’s really an aggressive way to encourage you to meditate. Here is a simple way to start:
Go somewhere quiet.
Sit on the floor.
Straighten your spine.
Put your hands on your knees.
Pull back your shoulder blades to open your lungs.
Close your eyes.
Count your breaths – count to 5 on inhale and 5 on exhale.
Quiet your mind.
Imagine you’re sitting on the bank of a river, watch the logs and leaves floating gently down stream.
As thoughts creep in, acknowledge them and release them down the river.
Try to go for 10 minutes and see how you feel.
Did you let go of some desire? Can you better appreciate what you have and live in the present moment? Take 10 minutes everyday for 21 days. (make a countdown checklist) 21 days of practice makes it a habit! This will change your life.
The more you do it, the better you will get. The best control you can ever achieve is the control you have over your own mind.
Buddha also said that you should meditate for 20 minutes everyday. Unless you are too busy, then you should meditate for an hour everyday!! Good luck and Namaste!!
This doesn’t mean you should stop having dreams and setting goals, its a way to genuinely go after the things you truly want and helps you realize what you have first so the things you desire are worthwhile. When you can be fully present and appreciate everything in your life, you will have a much clearer path to the things you want to accomplish in your life.