What To Do When Your Teeter Won't Totter
Posted on January 28, 2013 by Jeannea Spence, One of Thousands of Leadership Coaches on Noomii.
Maintaining Balance in a Busy World
Makes no difference if you’re a corporate executive or cashier; single or married; no children or a house full, it can be challenging to find balance. The demands and expectations of us are nothing short of superhuman and yet we are only human. So how do we balance all this out in a healthy way that allows us to enjoy our life? The straight answer is that it’s tricky and takes practice. There is no magic pill for balance—you have to work at it but the work can be fun and immensely gratifying when you’re being intentional
BUILD DOWNTIME into your schedule: Burnout occurs when your body and mind can’t keep up with the tasks you’re demanding from them. Take short breaks. Make time for relaxation. Eat lunch outside instead of at your desk or go home and walk the dog. Use your vacation days. A renewed person is a motivated and productive person.
ATTITUDE: The game changer is truly understanding that your thoughts create your feelings, which create your actions, which create your reality. When you notice your mood shift, train yourself to pay attention to the conversations you are having with yourself and your reality will change. Words are very powerful and your body responds to them. Replace statements like, “I can’t do this anymore,” with, “I could find a little more energy to get this done.” You will be amazed.
LEARN TO SAY “NO”: Do yourself a favor and do not dismiss this just because it sounds too simple. I promise you saying “no” is one of the most effective skills you can ever learn. Most of us don’t like saying “no” but we simply must say “no” to some things that don’t bring us positive energy, totally excite us, that aren’t a high priority in our lives, or align with our values. Saying, “yes” to those things instantly sucks energy, confidence, and happiness from your life.
AWARENESS: The REAL secret to balance … that ONE thing that – once you get it – you will NEVER, EVER be out of balance again is awareness. Every time you are given the opportunity to answer “yes” or “no,” check in with your body – your gut instinct – and ask yourself, “Does this totally excite me?” and if it does, then ask, “Do I need it in my life right now or can it wait?” If you get a “yes” to both questions, then go for it and don’t look back. If your body is telling you otherwise, push the pause button or just say, “no.” The secret benefit of a heightened awareness and tuning into your body is that you keep your power. Rather than being victim to the circumstances in your life – at the mercy of an insanely busy schedule – you take total responsibility for doing the things that align with your values.
NETWORK: Stay connected to your friends, support systems, business networks, and know when to reach out for professional help. You do not have to walk through life alone. Reach out.
COORDINATE AND CONCENTRATE: being as organized as possible in every aspect of your life will reduce your stress level significantly. A place for everything and everything in its place. Sounds simple but you’d be amazed how much time gets wasted looking for keys, pens, the stapler, spare batteries, etc. Make lists and use them. Plan: spend the first 30 minutes of your day planning the day and the last 30 minutes reviewing what you’ve accomplished. Be strategic about running errands. Concentrate on one thing at a time. Multi-tasking is actually a disadvantage to productivity – the human mind works more efficiently when focused.
EXERCISE and SELF CARE: Get your heart rate up 30 minutes, 3X a week and stretch your body. Drink water and eat real food – not processed and junk. Get the proper rest for your body. Spend 15 minutes a day in quiet time away from the “busy”ness of life. Turn off the TV – studies show it leads to depression and is at the very least a passive activity that in no way increases your energy.
Jeannea Spence is a Life and Leadership Development Coach in Richmond, VA, who partners with her clients to discover their core values and connect their inner purpose and passion to outer goals and strategies, creating lives beyond their wildest dreams. When you’re ready for IndiSPENCEable Inspiration, contact Jeannea for a no-cost, no-obligation 30-minute consultation: 804-447-1390 or jeannea@IndiSPENCEableCoaching.com.