Take 30 Challenge!
Posted on January 14, 2013 by David Nye, One of Thousands of Executive Coaches on Noomii.
A timeout for grownups.
Do you have a time set aside during your busy day to reflect, rest, or recharge? My hunch is you do not. Most people move at the speed of light throughout the day and take care of everyone else, but not themselves. So it comes as no surprise by the end of the day, you wonder what the heck you got done, and why you feel so run down.
I recently explored a typical day with one of my clients by having him make a list of his daily meetings and activities on paper. While reviewing his list, my client discovered there was no time for him during the day. I asked, “When do you recharge?” He, contemplated for a minute, and realized he could not remember a time when he took a break for himself. Does this sound like you?
If you answered yes to the question above, you are not alone. Most of us get so busy during our daily lives, we forget to spend some time reflecting and recharging. What do I mean by this? Well, this is a time you carve out of your day – close the office door, turn off your cell phone, email, and check-in with yourself. Are you anxious, happy, sad, tired, frustrated? What do you need to do to adjust yourself for the day…to re-focuss, or just relax for a few minutes?