The Color of Wellness
Posted on January 06, 2013 by Laurie Buchanan, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
The colors we wear and surround ourselves with in our home and office stimulate or inhibit the way we think and feel. What color are you drawn to?
Copyright © Laurie Buchanan, PhD, HHP, CPC
Color is simply energy – energy made visible. As human beings, color is the only energy we can actually see. While the speed of light is a constant 186,282 miles per second, the speed of color—its frequency—travels at varying speeds depending on the color and shade. As it meets the rods and cones in our eyes, the frequency sends a signal to our brain that allows us to distinguish one color from another.
Each color has a variety of shades. For instance, pure colors are bright or high chroma. Muted colors are lower intensity than the pure colors. Shaded colors have even lower color intensity than muted colors. Every shade of color can speak volumes about your personal style, without you having to say a word. And while color perception is highly personal and connects directly with individual memories and emotions, it is also universal.
Color has remarkable therapeutic benefit. It can produce moods, feelings and sensations which almost everyone recognizes. Many people use color to transform the place they live into a place they love.
RED is associated with vitality, energy and courage. When you need a boost in the areas of survival and self-preservation, indulge yourself with the color red. The frequency of this color refreshes crucial earth energy by stirring the base chakra.
Pure red is a statement color and highly individual – dramatic, vibrant and stimulating. By contrast, the muted and shaded tones of red are soft, cozy, personal and intimate.
The energy of red stimulates brain activity, increases heart rate, respiration and blood pressure. It enhances physical energy and stamina. Like the deep root system of a healthy tree, red reinforces our foundation and provides stability. When our energy has drastic fluctuations or we feel worn out and indifferent, the frequency of red helps to ground and center our energy so that we can realize our goals.
ORANGE is associated with happiness, independence and confidence. When you need a boost in the areas of pleasure and self-gratification, indulge yourself with the color orange. The frequency of this color relates to the sacral chakra where we take in what we truly need from life and let go of what no longer serves us.
Combining the drama of red with the cheerfulness of yellow, pure orange is luminous, bright, glowing and bold. The muted and shaded tones offer a bright but subtle glow which is restful, earthy, natural and soothing.
The energy of orange invigorates; it stimulates the appetite and digestive system, removes inhibitions and fosters sociability. It helps us to assimilate new things and to unclog emotional energy that can get trapped in the lower abdomen.
YELLOW is associated with awareness, wisdom and clarity. When you need a boost in the area of personal power and self-definition, indulge yourself with the color yellow. The frequency of this color resonates with the solar plexus chakra; the wellspring of our power and the hub—the very heartbeat—of our body’s electrical system.
Closest to sunlight, pure yellow conveys hospitality and promotes deep feelings of wellbeing. The muted hues make quiet backgrounds for busy lives, while the shaded yellows have a soft, glowing presence which speaks of home, harvest and abundance.
The energy of yellow promotes vigor, relieves depression, and improves memory, increases awareness, perception and understanding. It also stimulates the appetite. Yellow energy brings about increased feelings of wellbeing, motivation, positive thinking and the expression of inner joy.
GREEN is associated with balance, love and peace. When you need a boost in the areas of love and self-acceptance, indulge yourself with the color green. The frequency of this color is aligned with the heart chakra; the middle chakra in a system of seven. Green encourages us to love ourselves just as we are. Love, the most powerful energy of all, helps us to heal emotional wounds through unconditional acceptance and understanding. It is here—the place of the heart—where we become a balanced and peaceful being.
The most neutral color in the spectrum, pure green is strongly associated with nature. Muted greens are calm, restful and soothing; while the shaded variants project trust and order, encouraging contemplation, serenity and repose.
The energy of green is soothing and mentally and physically relaxing. It helps to alleviate depression, nervousness and anxiety, and it offers a sense of renewal, self-control and harmony. Green reminds us to listen with our hearts and to fulfill our heart’s desire. Archangel Raphael—Heaven’s Physician—is associated with the color green. It’s no wonder that the frequency of green is often used in healing circles.
LIGHT BLUE is associated with knowledge, relaxation and health. When you need a boost in the area of creativity and self-expression, indulge yourself with the color light blue. The frequency of this color resonates with the throat chakra. Communication is the key to working with others peacefully. Light blue creates a calm throat center from which to speak our truth.
Evoking the emotions of the sky, light blue is calming, expansive and cool. The muted hues recall a summer sky after the rain; while the dignified shaded tones exude comfort and rest.
Light blue lowers blood pressure, decreases respiration and is ideal for sleep and over-activity. It enhances communication and decision-making. Light blue energy brings about increased feelings of peace and open and clear communication.
INDIGO is associated with intuition, imagination and understanding. When you need a boost in the area of insight and self-reflection, indulge yourself with the color indigo. The frequency of this color stimulates the brow chakra, helping us to see clearly. In effect, it helps us to see the big picture.
Evoking the emotions of the sea, pure indigo is reminiscent of ocean depths or bottomless mountain lakes. While the noble shaded tones exude deep thought and contemplation.
The frequency of this color strengthens intuition, imagination and increases dream activity. It brings about increased feelings of inner energy, calmness and inner balance. It promotes responsibility for one’s own life and trusting in personal intuition. Indigo enhances our ability to see things from a higher viewpoint rather than from ego, personal satisfaction or material comfort.
VIOLET is associated with creativity, wisdom and inspiration. When you need a boost in the area of spirituality and self-knowledge, indulge yourself with the color indigo. The frequency of this color refreshes the crown chakra; the gateway to our spiritual selves. It is here that we realize the power of our thoughts. This energetic center is where we consent to higher guidance for personal transformations.
Pure violet has the clarity of blue and the warmth of red. The color conveys grandeur and reverence, while the lighter shades are elusive and intriguing. Muted violets are airy and peaceful, while the shaded violets are soft and shadowy.
The energy of violet suppresses the appetite, enhances a peaceful environment and relieves tension. It promotes inner strength, wisdom and kindness. Violet energy brings about increased feelings of spiritual connection, intuition and mental clarity. It helps us to change negatives into positives. Because of its calming properties, violet is a good choice to use during meditation.