Mirror, Mirror
Posted on January 04, 2013 by Jayne Norris, One of Thousands of Relationship Coaches on Noomii.
As many of you may know Louise uses what we call mirror work. In mirror work you look into your own eyes and say I love you. Very powerful stuff.
I was given the opportunity to do another form of mirror work one day in my home.
I was working on a workshop, and when I work I pace.( I also pace when I’m on the phone.) Well anyway I was pacing around the house and running this workshop thru my head when I had noticed that my 8 year old daughter coping me but thought that she would get tiered of it and go and play. She was standing next to me. I looked down and gave her a smile; she looked up at me and gave me a very tight smile back. When I saw the smile on her face I realized that that was how I just smiled at her. It broke my heart that I would smile at this glorious little life in such a matter. At that moment I knew that what I was doing didn’t matter as much as my daughter. So I looked away and skipped down the hall. She skipped down the hall. I went into the kitchen and got a cookie and eat it very messily. She got a cookie and eat it very messily. I skipped into the living room. She skipped into the living room. I scratched my butt with great gusto. She scratched her butt with great gusto. By this time we where both laughing so hard, that we had tears rolling down our cheeks.
We are blessed to live in a world of mirrors all around us. If we pay attention to the people that we come in contact with we will see how we are treating them, and they get to use us as their mirrors. Have you ever seen somebody’s shoulders just drop and the tension leave their bodies because you smiled at them with kindness; not like I smiled at my daughter. Have you been given the gift of some one else’s smile. We are living in a world that is shifting and we are afforded the opportunity to raise the energy of that shift. I invite you to watch and see where your smile can change the world. Mirror’s, Mirror’s everywhere