Broken Trail
Posted on December 21, 2012 by Kim Renee Cote ECPC, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
There are moments in life, where our paths will lead us to a broken trail. An adventurous heart, can guide us onto a new footpath of exploration.
Today, I was taking myself out for a stroll on a mountain path, with my dogs for company. A snowstorm had passed through just days before, and although much of the snow was melted, trees and broken branches cluttered the forest floor.
I was enjoying some personal time to ponder life and to relish these quiet moments that I had taken for myself before the Holiday Season descended upon me in full force. A turn around a mountain bend, revealed a large fallen tree across my intended course. The obstacle of the fallen tree created a metaphor for me of all of the roadblocks in life that stops us from proceeding in a direction that we wish to go.
I took some time to reflect in wonder at the large timber blocking my path and I embraced the symbolism of this magnificent opportunity for me to create a way around an obstacle – any obstacle – in my path. Today this large hunk of timber blocks my route, tomorrow; my road may well be hindered by some other hurdle life throws my way.
A broken trail is just such a fantastic opportunity of exploration of alternate pathways of life. For me today, depending on my way of being, I can choose to climb over the fallen tree, to crawl under the heavy trunk or take a stroll to meander around the downed length of evergreen.
Today is my day. This is my journey. It is my choice how I will navigate the route I wish to take to continue on the map of life that I have created for myself. Today, all I am required to do is choose how this day will go, and the rest will fall into place. – Kim Renée Coté