Colour Meditation - Can It Help You?
Posted on December 17, 2012 by Leslie Traill, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
What is Colour Meditation? Can you gain any benefits from trying it?
Research has shown that those who regularly practice meditation typically look and feel as many as 15 years younger than their peers and have more energy. That is because giving the mind some time off to repair itself is undeniably rejuvenating.
Great thinkers such as Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison were known to have practiced meditation in a variety of forms to experience breakthroughs in the creative thinking process.
In 2003, a cover story in Time Magazine declared meditation as the anecdote for stress. The article went on to report that more and more physicians were recommending meditation as an effective method to control physical pain, anxiety, depression and a number of other conditions that were formerly treated with medication. Why? Because it Works.
I have experienced and practiced a number of forms of meditation over the years. I have been a Meditator since the age of 17. I have practiced Mindfulness Meditation, Buddhist Meditation. I have always been drawn to colour and decided to experiment with colour meditation to take my own spin on the meditation process combing these two modalities with Colour Meditation. Have you ever walked into a room and either felt embraced by or repelled by the colour of the room? Are you drawn to certain colours that make you feel good and you tend to wear those particular colours? Colours have a profound effect on our emotions and when we introduce different colours into Meditation colour can change our emotional responses to the situations and circumstances that we deal with on a regular basis and that cause us stress…Each and every colour that is used in Colour Meditation has a specific meaning and when I am working with a client I use the different colours to help them through blockages that they may be experiencing or working through anxiety, pain, depression and hot flashes, relationship difficulties and generally feelings of being out of sorts.
As a result of working with Colour Meditation on myself and then using it with hundreds of clients that I have coached through difficult situations, I have come to know and believe that it works. If you are in a point of transition in your life and need something to help you push through the stress and uncertainty, give me a call and see if colour meditation and coaching works for you.