Change is Afoot...
Posted on December 07, 2012 by Prema Lee Gurreri, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
How to handle the great shift of 2012 and beyond.
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Things are moving and shaking and we are all feeling it. Some are calling it “The Shift of Ages“. There is no getting around this one.The only way is through…
Along with this greater shift the planet Mercury is retrograde until Nov. 26th. We just had a solar eclipse on Nov. 13th and are headed for a lunar eclipse on the 27th. The winter solstice on 12-21-12 is rapidly approaching!
Change is afoot
How these planetary influences specifically affect you depends on how these aspects line up in your chart. The planetary dynamics and celestial weather affect specific aspects of self and areas of your life. It is a potent time to strategize, clear your blocks and barriers, and shift your consciousness to align with your true soul calling. You can make choices now for the best possible outcome for YOU.
All this energy is calling us to a greater shift of awareness. As we head into the darker time of year, moving towards the winter solstice, we are more than ever being called to release what no longer serves us, take more personal responsibility, and open to a higher possibility.
Let us take our cue from the natural world. Nature let’s go of what is no longer needed and in turn breaks-down. In that breaking-down process energy is released and becomes fertile ground for new growth.
In the process of releasing what no longer serves we go through deconstruction which is necessary to break-through to what’s next.
As leaves turn into mulch on the forest floor energy is released that supports new life. As we let go of what no longer serves us, the energy we had invested in that pattern, relationship, job, or material item, is released. Doors begin to open, opportunities appear, and we are ready and present for them. We become available for something new and different, something we are truly aligned with and that is in alignment with our true purpose and highest potential.We are here to actualize our highest potential, live our true purpose, and fulfill our soul calling.
We are in a very unique time as we approach the end of 2012 and move into 2013 and beyond. We are amidst a Great Shift that has been going on for a long time and will continue. We are all part of this shift whether we are aware of it, like it or not. There is no escaping the change we are being called to make. This is NOT the end of the world. We are being called to end what is not serving the greater good. The only way is……through.
This Great Shift of Ages, energetic climate, and celestial weather is supporting us to be DONE now with things we may have been trying to finish or let go of for some time. You may have been grappling with an issue, situation, or perception and now find you are just D-O-N-E. Finished with that way of being.
If you are still in the inner or outer struggle or drama with something, here are some revealing questions to ask yourself so you can find your way to completion. The time is now! What do you realize you are now done with? What are you being called to be done with? What do you want to be done with? What are you afraid to be done with? How much energetic currency is it costing you to not be done? If you could truly be done, what would be possible for you? What new choice could you make that you have been resisting making that would free you? What is one inspired action you could take today that would support you in making that choice for freedom?Here is a video of me taking you on an inner journey by asking you these questions.
It is not the end of the world. It is a time to take more personal responsibility. We must realize that our beliefs and choices create not only our own future, but the future humanity at large.
We are all connected. We are all ONE.
Much Love,