Do Your Values Match Your Work Life?
Posted on December 04, 2012 by Susanne Kahle Keene, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Values represent your highest priorities and the things that motivate you. What is your value system?
When we are present to what we value and we align those with those values, life seems less difficult and things move along more easily. If your values are not aligned with your everyday choices, you are generally less satisfied, lean toward the unhappy, and you may often feel somewhat conflicted. If your values align with your choices, then you are perceptibly motivated, inspired and measurably more successful.
Values represent your highest priorities and the things that motivate you.
What is your value system?
challenge influence fitness fun
independence authority spirituality romance
achievement creativity nutrition ethics
power communication friends adventure
status freedom family time
beauty love security personal growth
community equality recreation helping society
support dedication morality accomplishment
integrity credibility honesty service
money flexibility stability abundance
When your values are aligned with your intimate relationships, family, career and work life, volunteer work and your hobbies, and recreation, then you are well on your way to experiencing a more balanced life. If one value is extremely disconnected to the rest of your value systems, consider why.