Job Seekers – 5 Points You Should Know
Posted on December 04, 2012 by Susanne Kahle Keene, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Seeking a new job or position can be overwhelming and sometimes frustrating. Here are a few pointers to help reframe your outlook.
Seeking a new job or position can be overwhelming and sometimes frustrating. Here are a few pointers. If you get stuck, they can help you reframe your outlook and support you in staying on top of your game.
1. DO Expand Your Scope [Don’t Limit Yourself]
Limiting your options narrows your opportunities. The more types [categories] of jobs you apply for can multiply the possibility of landing a job. For example, if you came from a background of fund raising, you may transfer those skills to sales, because you have been training in knowing how to “ask.” Similarly, if you planned events as a children’s librarian in a public library, you may be able to transfer those skills to a company that specializes in event planning. When you expand your possibilities, more opportunities can present themselves.
2. DO List All Your Skills, Abilities, Special Talents and Experiences
Everyone has qualities that set him/her apart from others. You may know a second language, may have traveled some place exotic, volunteered, come from a family of 10 children, earned an award, or played club soccer. Anything that sets you apart from the rest of the applicants can be a memorable distinction to the hiring manager/interviewer. Never underestimate your values, talents, and special gifts. Everyone has at least one to share!
3. DO Have Multiple Resumes. With each resume emphasizing different strengths and abilities, your chances of landing a job increase by 50 to 100%.
The former executive director of a non-profit agency has experience raising money, managing staff, writing grants and planning events. This person could have 4 or more resumes looking for positions such as: i) a grant writer ii) an event planner iii) a major gifts officer iv) an administrator/manager. Stay open and positive about all opportunities and possibilities, as your chances of landing a job will increase.
4. DO Reach Out To Your Network and Beyond
At first networking may seem overwhelming. It’s important to either make a list or create a visual picture of each of your networks (current and former positions/jobs, family, friends, local retailers you frequent, gym, social clubs, spiritual centers, kid’s school parents and team parents, dance instructor, spouse’s racquetball partner). Now consider all the people each of those people know! You never know who is looking for his/her own employee, or knows of a friend who is looking for an employee in his company. A gym acquaintance sits on a board of a local social service agency and heard they were looking for a business officer. You may be the one! Until you let others know you will never know just who has the inside scoop on a possible job for you.
5. DO Have Short-Term and Long-Term Goals
If you are without work or if you have a job but are looking to switch jobs or careers, it is important to decide how long you can manage without income or without getting stir-crazy. As a short-term goal, you may need to take a short-term job to generate cash flow or to stay in the game. You may work on temporary communications consultant projects for small businesses or nonprofits while waiting to land the corporate position. Your current position is not necessarily tied to your long-term goal. Do see this as an opportunity rather than an obstacle.