Journaling for Health and Happiness
Posted on November 27, 2012 by Joy Phillips PhD, One of Thousands of Spirituality Coaches on Noomii.
Letting your thoughts and feelings flow in your journal is a process of self-discovery, and contributes greatly to your health and happiness!
When life is happening all around us and we’re feeling the chaos and confusion deep inside, how can we release the stress of our emotions and truly connect with our thoughts and feelings? How can we find the power of love, compassion, and acceptance within ourselves? The answer is – Journaling!
Experts agree that journaling is an incredibly powerful tool to help you gain access to your own inner wisdom and get to the root of what’s holding you back from being who you were always meant to be.
Most people look at journaling as a creative process, but it is also quite relaxing, healing, and therapeutic. Letting your thoughts and feelings flow in your journal is a process of self-discovery, and contributes greatly to your health and happiness — your overall well-being.
Journaling can take a fair amount of practice for some people to get comfortable with it, while it comes natural to others. The idea is to learn how to open up about your life circumstances and the issues you’re dealing with. Once you start journaling, you will find that the process of expressing your feelings in your journal will make you feel lighter and calmer.
The most important thing to know about journaling is that there are NO rules. It can be anything you want it to be. A dream journal. A thought journal. A travel journal. A weight loss journal. And, of course, the well-known gratitude journal.
We’ve all heard Oprah talk about how her gratitude journal has taught her to appreciate living in the moment. And all it took to develop this appreciation for life was her commitment to writing down a minimum of five things for which she’s grateful for every night before going to sleep. It does not matter how small it is, expressing gratitude in your journal on a daily basis is instrumental to changing your perspective and appreciation for life.
I believe we all have the power to access our own guidance system and wisdom. All we have to do is DIG DEEPER AND REACH HIGHER.
Journaling allows you to develop an authentic relationship with yourself. You become a true friend of yours. You connect with and learn to trust your inner wisdom and intuition. As you read your journal entries, you will hear the guidance of your inner voice. You will find answers to your burning questions, and comfort in difficult times.
Journaling is indeed one of the best ways to find calm in the midst of chaos. Once you start journaling, you’ll realize how empowering it can be and you will notice the profound effects taking place in your life.
If you are interested in taking your journaling to a whole new level, and feel that you need ‘prompts’ to help you get started, I can help. You will find all you need in a brand new, inspiring online journaling and coaching community that I created with the intention of helping women who are looking for support in living a stress-free, healthy, happy life with more enthusiasm and purpose.
If you’re interested in getting in on the ground floor of our new community to watch it grow as you blossom and “Dig Deeper and Reach Higher," contact me for a free membership and 30-week online journaling experience. After all, isn’t it time you tell your story, let it go, and rewrite your life?
Find out more about online journaling at