Is It Your Turn?
Posted on November 07, 2012 by Sumom Geevarughese, One of Thousands of Career Coaches on Noomii.
Accept rejection as one step closer to acceptance. Rejection provides you feedback about what doesn't work...bringing you within reach to success.
“A rejection is nothing more than a necessary step in the pursuit of success.” Bo Bennett
Ever been passed up for a promotion when you thought for sure this one was yours? Remember how it felt when a relationship came to an end but your best friend just got engaged? Can you still feel the disappointment when you were outbid on the house you put in an offer for? If so, then it’ll be easy to remember feeling like “When is it going to be My Turn”?
The truth is it is ALWAYS your turn but not necessarily for what YOU have in mind. If you look back at some of the events in your life where you feel you faced disappointment or rejection, don’t be surprised to find the silver lining as you reflect now.
· At the time that you were outbid on a house, you had no idea that you would be relocating a few months later.
· Did you realize the job promotion you didn’t get was in a division that would be downsized a year later?
· Would you ever admit that had you married the first person you loved, you might be divorced by now and have missed the right person who came along a few years later?
Too often when the undesirable happens, you mistaken it for misfortune instead of seeing how it could be fate setting you on your path. Each turn can be YOURS if only you’ll begin to see it as just that…YOUR Moment, YOUR Opportunity.
As Charles R. Swindoll, an American writer and clergyman said, “We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.” Think back of when old upsets turned out to be blessings in disguise. Now fast forward to your current frustrations and begin to think about how they might provide some future benefit.
· All of the doctors’ visits you accompany an older parent on could lead you to a new career or even sitting in the waiting room next to a future potential boss or relationship.
· While the restructuring at work might force you to learn new skills that you weren’t necessarily interested in, it could prepare you to start your own business later.
· The health scare that prevented you from taking on a bigger role at work could increase your time with your family and strengthen your relationships.
With the right attitude and perspective, you’ll no longer ask “Why not me” or “When will it be MY turn” and begin thinking “It’s about time” and “What will come of this”!
“Fortune knocks at every man’s door once in a life, but in a good many cases the man is in a neighboring saloon and does not hear her”. Mark Twain