Seven Steps To Facing Your Fears!
Posted on November 05, 2012 by Linda McDaniel, One of Thousands of Spirituality Coaches on Noomii.
There is no bandaid for facing your fears. You simply have to face them and just do that which you are fearful of. There are seven steps listed below.
There is an acronym for fear, (False Evidence Appearing Real). Most times, that what is most fearful for us is not a reality. Believe, me there are the real dangers in life, that elicit a fearful response. Even with those fears a decision has to made, and you just have to go for it. However, I am talking about the emotional fears that we often create in our lives that keep us stagnant; and keep us from living the life we deserve. Fear, as defined in the dictionary is an emotion experienced in anticipation of some specific pain or danger. The key word in that definition is anticipate, most of the time our fears are really the anticipation of a perceived undesirable outcome. A great deal of the time, that which we fear the most is not a reality, but a perception. Again, false evidence appearing real. One, of the first question you have to ask yourself is. " Is this really true?" If your fear is of, being hurt in a relationship, and you desire to have a relationship, then you are going to have to risk being vulnerable and open to get the relationship you want. Listed below are seven steps to facing your fears: Remember, facing your fears, is not always an easy process, but with courage and faith you can do it.1. Make the decision. One of the first steps to facing your fear, is to make the decision that you desire change, and you will have to do, what it takes to get the results you desire. Nothing is stronger than a made up mind!
2.Breathe! Take a moment to calm yourself, take a breathe, a short prayer and an affirmation. Something like, “God I know your with me, and because your with me I can do all things”
3. See the end from the beginning. Meaning, see yourself with the desired results, if you are scared of heights, then see your self on top of a 13th story building, lifting your hands in victory. Feel, the excitement, and how it would feel if you accomplished what you feared the most.
4.Asses the situation, think on it! Look at it from all angles.What would be the best way to handle it; for the highest good of all. Take into consideration yourself, and others. Do that which is good and right.
5. Set up the goals to handle the problem. Even if they are small. If for instance, your goal is to have a great relationship, but your fear is of meeting new people. Make the goal of saying hello to two handsome guys at the coffee shop you frequent.
6. As the Nike Commercial states, “Just Do It”. There is no short-cut, or magic, you just have to do that which you fear the most. Go for it!
7. Honor, yourself when you have met the challenge, congratulate yourself for you accomplishment. Do something special for your self.
Finally, You just have to face the fear and go for it. Even in an emergency you may have to just trust your instincts, and go for it. Our instincts, often are internal signal for the right choice. Let peace be your guide, whenever you make a decision, ask yourself do I have peace about this. Follow that which brings you peace.