Reconnecting with your Joy
Posted on October 17, 2012 by Dr Kristen A Tolbert, One of Thousands of Executive Coaches on Noomii.
Somewhere in the growing up and adult responsibilities comes the tragedies of stress, responsibilities, excessive thinking and worry
Do you remember what it was like to be a child? The innocence, joy and peace of playing, exploring and looking forward to the future. The zest, fire and passion that you had as a child before all of the vagaries and baggage that adult life brought to you.
Somewhere in the growing up and adult responsibilities comes the tragedies of stress, responsibilities, excessive thinking and worry about the future starts creeping in and taking over. We lose our joy and peace for life getting caught up in the should’s, would’s, how’s, expectations and demands for life, career, relationships and health. We get lost in the expectations and false demands of society and how we “should” be living our lives. We sometimes end up living the life that others think we should be living instead of living our own truths and our own ways that light us up. Guilt, fear, shame, false expectations and judgment from others. We know better, but we just can’t help ourselves.
There is a light inside of you–inside all of us. An joyful child-like innocence and soul that wants better. I challenge you to make it your mission to ignore the should’s and reconnect with your passion and start living a life on purpose that pleases you and delights your soul. You want it and you deserve it. Life is PRECIOUS and you deserve no less than to stand in your glory.