Posted on October 14, 2012 by Sheri Maass, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Looking for love in all the wrong places.? Learn how to shift your thoughts and attract the one you have been waiting for with these five steps!
1. What do you want (and not want)?
“If you don’t know where you are going, any path will lead you there”.
The first step in achieving any goal is figuring out what you really want. Many of us know what it is we don’t want. We experience it every time we reject someone or get rejected by someone. Believe it or not using what we know we don’t want is a great way to define what we Do want. Relationship coaching will walk you through a series of steps to help you more vividly define what your dream woman/man looks like and what you want in a relationship.
2. Why do you want it?
Just as important as defining what you want is defining Why you want it. This is an important step to help bring you closer to understanding why you are looking for the things you are. In understanding these things we are better able to prioritize what is important to us and again the picture of what we want becomes clearer.
3. Believe that it’s possible.
“Whether you believe you can or you can’t you are right.” – Henry Ford
Nothing is possible until it is believed to be possible. It’s important to challenge those beliefs that have kept you grounded in the same series of disappointing dates and relationships. If your beliefs matched what it is that you desire…you would have it. We will work together to figure out which beliefs are not serving you and then bring new beliefs into alignment with what it is you truly desire.
4. Become the woman/man you are looking for.
“True love doesn’t come to you, it IS you."
No, men – this does not mean putting on the high heels and lipstick and dancing around in the living room. In order to find love you must first be the love you are looking for.
Like energy attracts like energy. When you practice what it is you say you are looking for and feel the essence of that belief you come into vibrational alignment with your desires. It is this state and only this state that will attract a vibrational match (the woman/man of your dreams) into your life.
5. Allow it to happen.
You’ve done all this work and now what? Where is she/he? Why are they not here? You’ve been waiting and hoping for this for far too long. Believe it or not “hope” is not an attractive word. To “Hope” is nearly the opposite of to “Expect”. Hope implies there is a chance it won’t happen. True belief comes from expecting. Three major pieces to Allowing is learning to let go of desperation, doubt and fear of disappointment.
Sheri A. Maass, CPC, ACC, ELI-MP
Relationship Coach | www.Internal‐Sunshine.com