If You Don't Change, How Will Your Life Change
Posted on October 04, 2012 by Jenny Charbonneau, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Looking and learning to make that change
Throughout my life whether personal or professional circumstances, I hear women talk about things they want to change. It could be dealing with a person in their life, not getting enough business, not feeling happy, lack of balance between all responsibilities. The funny thing is… sometimes people aren’t ready for change. They want to communicate how upset and frustrated they are about the situation, but when it comes down to it – for something to change, they would have to change as well. That’s why my favorite saying is: “If you don’t change, how will your life change?” How do you expect the situation to change if you aren’t willing to do something about it? It makes me think of that classic saying: “What’s the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.” That’s wanting change but not willing to change, I think. No matter what the situation, you are going to have to look at yourself as well.
Let’s say, you keep getting into arguments with a particular person. You think their just being a jerk to you. But did you ever look at what you might be saying or doing that instigates their behavior? Sure, their behavior instigates your behavior – its a vicious cycle. But you can’t change them. You can change or improve yourself. And by doing that, it may change the situation altogether.
Let’s say, you want more clients and can’t seem to acquire enough. Are you doing everything you are supposed to be doing to get more clients? Do you have trouble with confidence or communication to close? Is it marketing? If it has something to do with the first two, that is a personal challenge that needs to be improved in order to increase business. It starts with you.
This is why most of the time in my coaching, we are focusing on self-improvement to achieve professional and personal goals because many times it stems from that person’s interior barriers. And if you are not willing to take a look and do something about it, well then the obstacles probably won’t remove themselves since they didn’t put themselves there to begin with.
What would you like to change? What are you dodging that could help that change become a reality?