A Solution for Monkey Mind for ADHER-er’s
Posted on September 19, 2012 by Dan Becco, One of Thousands of ADD ADHD Coaches on Noomii.
Meditation can Help People who have ADHD and Monkey Mind.
A daily meditation practice helps. And there are studies that document this. Find a comfortable seated position. Ground your hip bones, lengthen your spine upward and relax your shoulders and neck muscles. Start to focus on your breath. Extend your inhales. Or you can pause between breaths and retain your breath for a moment or two. Slowly exhale. Visuals like a blue still lake or a golden almond shaped flame can help. Sometimes “seeing" your thoughts as passing clouds can help too. Just try to get some space or distance from your thoughts for a moment or two.The thoughts will come back. No worries. Just calmly get back to your breath. Do this in the morning as part of your morning rituals of self care and you’re on your way.