What are you doing Right Now?
Posted on August 29, 2012 by John Davis, One of Thousands of Leadership Coaches on Noomii.
Focused action creates results. This article gives practical advise on taking action.
What are you doing right now?
In my Action coaching programs I often run into people with big plans and dreams of a successful future. They dream of having the perfect body, the best relationships, financial security, a clear mind, and a connection to something larger then themselves. They strive for a purpose driven, vibrant life. All of these people have the ability to achieve all of their dreams. Each has the power to create the life of their desires. The area that always seems to be the tripping point is the next step: Action.
In coaching we always work towards getting a client to take action. We set goals, which is always the step that is fun and feels great. Taking action is what most people struggle with. It’s the root of the struggle itself that needs addressing. The struggle is fear. The fear of failure, the fear of success, self-doubt or self-worth issues are the stumbling blocks of action.
Something to remember about fear is that it is not rooted in the present moment. Fear is an emotion dependent upon a looming event, or an event that hasn’t happened and might not happen. What makes us fear the looming event? Our fears are always rooted in our past. Action happens in the present moment. My friend Holly Matson of Lightseeds Office always says, “You can’t go to the store next Thursday right now.” This statement is a very clear example of action being a present moment event. If you think about next Thursday or even last Thursday, can you change them right now? You can affect next Thursday in the present moment, but if action isn’t taken now will it change?
To effectively achieve your goals you must embody them. You literally must act with thought, word, and deed towards the outcome. Shifting your mindset is first and foremost. When I work with the new age set, I find a lot of people who talk about achieving their goals, but very few actually taking actions to achieve them.
Gandhi said,” Be the change you want to see in the world.” Affirmations without action achieve nothing. In fact I don’t even like the word “affirmation.” To me the word means to firm something up. I believe that this is a wrong mindset, if Buddha was right when he said, “What you think you become.” The word I use instead is “declaration.” I declare it, embody it, and act upon it as if it is already being achieved. It is this mindset that is creative. I don’t affirm it every day, I do it.
To be or not to be that IS the question.” When Shakespeare wrote these words there were part of a philosophical discussion about suicide. Not being was suicide. “To be” is to embody. To embody is to act upon something in thought, word and deed. If you don’t embody your goal, then it dies.
Is today the day that you start achieving success in body mind, spirit, career, and relationships? When would NOW be a good time to start? Only YOU can be the change that you want to see in YOUR world.
For more information about my services please visit: http://www.johndavisactionhero.com