Eight Things to Consider when Creating Change in your Business
Posted on August 26, 2012 by Michael Berry, One of Thousands of Business Coaches on Noomii.
Here are 8 keys to keep in mind when planning, communicating and implementing change…
1. There is always more than one way.
Change is often uncomfortable, and adapting to change is usually difficult and sometimes messy.
Why, you ask? Simple. Changes are easy to list in a plan and display to your staff, but old habits die
hard. So how do you overcome the resistance to your planned changes? Gather perspectives from
colleagues, mentors and your employees and adapt the sensible approaches into your change plan.
2. Lay out what specifically needs to change, and why.
Too many plans are heavy on the “lingo” and light on substance. What does all that mean in the dayto-day language of your business? You must make that connection for your staff. For example, what
does it mean when you say “the company needs to be more pro-active?” What specific behaviors
characterize a “reactive” organization? The high-level overviews are certainly needed, but to give
your change plan a better chance to succeed you need to get right down to the root of what you’re
trying to achieve – and describe that in your plan.
3. Know what results you want from both the change plan AND the tactics you’ll use to achieve it.
What are the strategic objectives of each key part of your change plan? What’s the “call to action” for
each step? What systemic or operational changes will provide the framework for the new behaviors
and desired results?
4. Empower and utilize a communication strategist right from the start.
Too often, qualified communicators are not involved in steering change until after the initial backlash
is in full force. Just because someone can create a PowerPoint presentation doesn’t mean they are
qualified to understand how the people in your company will respond to the change that’s being laid
out, or what information they’ll need to really understand it and “buy in”. To launch your change
plan effectively, ensure that you have an effective communicator on your strategy team from day
5. Put employees in the loop as early as possible.
There’s a real dilemma in both public and private companies where external communication is a
priority and employees first hear about forthcoming changes through the “rumor mill”. Incomplete information and lack of understanding cause fear and insecurity to heighten. As a result, you waste a
lot of time getting back to a place of normal productivity and confidence while many of your valued
employees head for their computers to update resumes and call “help wanted” ads.
6. You didn’t get here overnight, and you won’t get there that fast either.
A change effort starts with the framing of the change initiatives and plan. Business owners almost
always underestimate the length of time required to institute real change in the company. Just as
Rome wasn’t built in a day, neither was your business and you can’t expect to rebuild any significant
part of it that quick either. The goal is to create the most effective change possible, and that won’t
happen if you rush through it. A consistent, measured approach with attention to detail is always
your best bet.
7. Remember to use a variety of communication methods.
Some organizations make a huge mistake by only using one method of communication to roll out the
change plan. Redundancy and repetition are a winning strategy in creating effective communication
of the details of each phase and step of the plan. Use email, intranet/internal web site, memos,
meetings, conference calls etc. to make sure everyone involved gets up to speed and stays there.
8. Give your staff ample opportunity to share concerns, ask questions and offer ideas.
The more people are involved in the process, the fewer you’ll have walking out the door – or worse,
staying and acting as internal saboteurs. Buy-in is a critical component of effective change, so
empower everyone involved to participate in the process, and make following up to update them and
answer questions a top priority.
This information provides general guidelines on creating effective and lasting change in your company. A
proper change plan must be designed to meet the specific needs of your organization and goals, and you
should get individualized assistance from a communication expert if that isn’t in your current skill set.
About the Author:
Michael Berry is an entrepreneur who has been involved at various levels of ownership in 23 different franchise and private brands, all of which achieved multimillion dollar sales revenues. Now in private consulting, he has helped hundreds of clients to grow their companies quicker, faster and smarter utilizing proven methodologies.
Schedule an executive briefing by contacting him directly at michael@breakout-consulting.com
or by visiting http://www.breakout-consulting.com and completing the contact form.
The initial consultation is free, and you’ll receive a complimentary 12-point growth plan customized specifically for your business.