Tools for Taking Responsibility Like Warren Buffett
Posted on August 15, 2012 by Iris Arenson-Fuller, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Teaching kids responsibility, and learning some important lessons from Mr. Buffett, such as modeling honest and responsible behavior
I heard a piece on NPR a while back that mentioned how Warren Buffett makes a practice of disclosing to his shareholders whenever he makes a mistake. He tells them what his mistake was, takes responsibility, tells them what the cost or consequences will be and what plan he has to take action and change the situation. This isn’t something we see much or hear much about nowadays. It made me ponder if this model could be used more broadly. Maybe we all need to take some lessons from Mr. Buffett. How often do we stumble across people who are even willing to admit their mistakes, let alone do the rest mentioned here? I would love to see such a plan made available to parents as training for modeling behavior to their kids. Maybe it has application for pre-teens and teens? What if this could be a tool to use in relationships with a spouse or significant other? With friends? At our own workplace? Perhaps there might be a folder of blank forms in a place accessible to family members or co-workers? I envision something like this:My Responsibility Tool
What I believe I did, said, or what went wrong that I am willing to take on as my responsibility?______________________________________________
On who or what did my words or actions have the most effect?
What happened as a result of my words or behavior?
Are there any future negative or hurtful implications (things that haven’t occurred yet but that this has set in motion) that could be changed or stopped?
When did this occur?___________________________________
Was it a one-time thing or did it occur repeatedly?
If this is something I say or do often, what might some of the reasons be that make me keep doing this?
How does it make me feel to acknowledge that?
What I think I would like to do to make amends or to change the situation
Who, or what do I need (if anybody) in my corner to help me and support me in making amends or changing the situation for the better?
When will I set this in motion and what will be the first thing I plan to do to rectify or change things?
How will I/others know that I am adhering to my plan?
What about my life, peace of mind, comfort level will feel better whenI change or correct what has happened to the best of my ability?
What if……It is not really possible to change the situation I have caused, created or have been a catalyst for? How do I forgive myself and move on from here? What are my lessons and takeaways?