The Value of Standing in an Abundance Perspective
Posted on July 20, 2012 by Liz Wiltzen, One of Thousands of Leadership Coaches on Noomii.
Focus on what you have now to get more of what you want
Quick – scale of 1 to 10 – how happy are you with the amount of money you have in your life?
I’m willing to bet that no matter how little – or much – you have, you didn’t rate it at a 10. (Perfectly happy.) If you did, lucky you. If you didn’t, welcome to the vast majority. See what happens – try out a survey on your friends and let me know how many 10′s you get.
The Quest For More
Seems most of the time we are either striving for more, or worried about keeping what we have. It is a deeply ingrained part of our culture to believe more is better, that what we have is not quite enough. And this endless quest is one of the surest paths to discontent in the now, because more is a place we can never arrive at.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m a huge believer that money brings all kinds of valuable, fabulous, life expanding experiences – and I’m in hot pursuit of the increased adventure, learning, cool stuff, and ‘doing good in the world’ that more of it provides.
But in chasing down this goal – wouldn’t it be great to feel completely satisfied now?
How to Instantly Get to 10
I was recently asked to rate my satisfaction with money, and I put it at a 6. But an interesting thing happened when I was asked what a 10 would look like. Up until that moment, I was sure it would look like, hmmm, let’s see – yep, more money and zero debt. Not so.
On reflection I realized that for me, a 10 would look like something that is available to me right here, in this very moment. A 10 would be to fully embrace the perspective that I always have access to everything I need and want, including the inner resources to manifest what is not yet here in my life.
Fresh air, fresh water, good health, food, shelter and lots of love. When those things are in place, everything else is icing on the cake. Yes – we need a plan in place to minimize debt and create a steady flow of income. And once that’s handled – it’s fun to explore even greater ways to be expansive around money.
But it is a truly open-hearted choice to find joy in the perfect sufficiency of what is already here. Choosing to come from that perspective plants us instantly in 10. It’s kinda like magic. Yay!
For a seriously perspective altering read on scarcity vs. sufficiency thinking check out:
“The Soul of Money” by Lynne Twist.
Good to ponder:
“The real measure of your wealth is how much you’d be worth if you lost all your money.” – Bernard Meltzer