Are You Selfish?
Posted on July 18, 2012 by Nekisha-Michelle Kee, One of Thousands of Relationship Coaches on Noomii.
You don't have to think like a man to get or keep your man! This article will give you the secret sauce to get the happiness and love you want!
You Don’t Have to “Think Like A Man” (It’s not about him it’s all about you)
My coaching practice is swarming with women tired of being unhappy and honestly has had enough of being able to get a man but not able to keep him or have a long lasting committed relationship. These women like many women are not being treated the way they feel they should be treated and are having more arguments and fights than harmony and romance. If this is your experience too, please read every word in this message. The problem is not HIM the problem unfortunately is YOU. The results of your relationship is a mirror reflection of your inner most beliefs and feelings about yourself.
You don’t have to think like a man to get the man and keep him, the only thing you must do as a woman is become Selfish. To be selfish you start with a self check-up. Check your Self-Esteem which is how you feel about you. Check your Self-Respect, do you have principles, boundaries and standards that govern your life that you adhere to and make sure others adhere to them. Does your self-respect come with consequences if not obeyed? Lastly, you must check your Self-Love, are you fortifying, adoring and honoring your soul, spirit and body on a daily bases?
When you do a real self check you will find the reason you can’t keep the love relationship in your life in the positive is because you are not Selfish (something in self is deficient)! Men are attracted first by what they see but to keep him around and adoring you, he must sense that you are secure, emotionally stable and have standards that you honor. If he’s not giving you what you want, it’s not him –it’s you!
So how do you attract or keep the man of your dreams? You must adopt the habit of being selfish. Stop trying to think like a man and focus on being the happiest version of you: A beautiful woman with Self-Esteem, Self-Respect and Self-Love. When you become selfish you don’t have to lose sleep over him …he will be losing sleep over you!
To help you learn how to be Selfish you can purchase my book, Breaking Invisible Chains, Gaining the Confidence to Redesign Your Life and start life coaching with me so you can be happy and in love in this lifetime.