How to Be More Grateful and Content in Life
Posted on July 14, 2012 by Arlene Miller, One of Thousands of Relationship Coaches on Noomii.
Learn how to appreciate what you have right now and be grateful for each moment of your life.
Never judge a book by its cover. I was really feeling this the other day as someone thought I had it all and wanted my life instead of hers; maybe not really, but the words were spoken to me. She hasn’t walked in my shoes; she doesn’t know what I’ve been through, experienced, traversed or overcome. All others see is what is on the outside now, not the journey to this moment. And for me this is a great reminder. This is how it feels to have someone not really get me or put me on a pedestal. It wasn’t malicious; it was meant as a sincere complement and I appreciate that. It’s nice to be appreciated, but it’s also wondrous to have someone really get you and just take you where you are at, warts and all – no glamour or illusion.
I guess the reason I had a little reaction was because I’ve done this too. Now I know how it feels. There are some friends of mine that are ‘ahead of me’ on path – more successful, more grounded, more loving, being more of who they really are and making more of a difference, at least from my limited lens perspective. Having undergone this experience, more of a knowing is surfacing. It feels ‘better’ to appreciate and acknowledge these friends and to model myself after them as appropriate, adding my own unique flavor along the way. There are always going to be ones that appear to have more or less I do; that’s life.
Going deeper, it feels that that the message is gratitude and appreciation. We are so much more content and happy in life when we are really grateful for what we’ve got. We often give lip service to gratitude, but how often do we really feel grateful for each moment – the moments of washing the dishes, watering the flowers, doing the laundry, driving the car, making phone calls, catching up on errands, sharing a moment with a friend, having a good laugh, crying. Each day has so many moments that just go by unnoticed, as if they never were, as if they didn’t matter at all; we get so caught up in getting somewhere or getting something done that we forget that the journey is what is really important.
I just read, “Life is a Road, The Soul is a Motorcycle” by Daniel Meyer. I love this quote, “Voyage: A long journey of exploration or discovery. Voyaging: The events of a journey of exploration or discovery. I am never on a voyage, whatever my destination. I am voyaging. I am not just trying to get somewhere. There are faster, cheaper, and more comfortable ways to do that. I am after the experience.”
My suggestion is to focus on voyaging and enjoy the journey. You never know when you are going to be surprised or delighted, when a moment of life just takes your breath away and you are so glad you are there. And, each moment (even the shitty ones) have opportunities within them if our hearts are open and we are willing to see.
I love voyaging. Do you?