How To Get the Most Out Of Your Relationships
Posted on July 05, 2012 by Tomeka Byars, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Take a few minutes to evaluate your the relationships around you in order to determine if they are good are bad for you.
Getting the most out of your relationships requires you personally determining whether or not you are getting the most out of the associate of friends that you currently deal with from day to day. In order to optimize the relationships around you. I personally came up with a few suggestions that you may find helpful.
1. Take a serious look at how your friends benefit you overall.
Is this someone you can call ,and they will take time to listen to your needs as a person? Perhaps this is the type of friend that is constantly busy that really never can find time for you, or your whereabouts?
We often deal with friends that call us when they are in need. Have you considered that this may be unhealthy for you as a person? Dealing with individuals that subtract from you as a person, yet they never look to add to you as a person.
Many of the problems that we deal with from day to day are preventive. We approach as well as allow much into our lives that realistically doesn’t have to take place. We condone the negative behaviors by our friends. This brings me to suggestion number two.
2. Do not become a human trash receptacle.
I say this as a friendly reminder to many who are reading this that it’s not okay for others to call you repeat times throughout the day, in order to dump their negativity on you . We all need encouragement, as well as support from time to time. It’s utimately up to you to discern the difference of what has now become overboard negative language.
It helps to know when to draw the line by allowing your friend to find a practical way to locate a solution to their own problem.
Many of the problems that our friends face, are often meant to happen, in order for them to personally go through the process of solving their own problem, as well as the experience of the problem they may face at that the time.
When other people problems become our problems, we are then left dealing with our own personal issues as well as theirs. We are then not able to adequately resolve the issue in our own lives due to the lack of focus thereof.
These are all great relationship starters that can easily be applied to your life immediately.
Todays’ life promotions challenge requires simply taking a sheet of paper, and listing many of the friends you have dealt with within the last 60 days. I give the range of 60 days. No matter how busy a friend, or associate is, some sort of contact should have taken place between you as well as your friend within the time frame of 60 days that I provided.
The contact made, could even be by email as well as a third party friend relaying the message they said “Hi”, If not then you may want to consider the possibility that maybe this person isn’t a friend. In order to make your list correctly , apply some of the steps I listed above in order to help make your decisions easier.
We all know who is for us, as well as the ones who are so so, and then it’s the devout friends that have our backs regardless. The reality is that we tolerate the negative friendships for many reasons. Be on the look out for the next online issue, where we will cover many of those reasons on why we tolerate negative friendships in our lives.