Are You Navigating Through Life Without A Compass?
Posted on June 29, 2012 by Nyki Carreathers, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
You do not like where you are, not really sure how you got there, and do not know where you are headed.
Are You Navigating Through Life Without a Compass?
You have been on this journey called Life for quite some time and now you are lost. You are feeling lonely, hopeless, and confused. Fear has set in and now you are afraid to take the next step. You are paralyzed. Stuck. You do not like where you are, not really sure how you got there in the first place, and do not know where you are headed. Perhaps, you were too busy taking directions from others who were leading you to a place called No Where. Maybe you were taking too many short cuts. Or, you ended up where you are because you never had a destination to begin with.
Many of us travel through life with either no direction or following the direction of others. We journey through life just going with the flow. Eventually, that “flow” leads us to a place we never intended to be, with people we never intended to be with, doing things we never intended on doing. So, what do you do now? How do you move forward? Where do you go from here?
I believe that we are all born with an inner “compass.” We are all born with a sense of what our purpose in life is and how to fulfill it. That inner compass is your intuition. It is that part of you that just knows. It is that quiet inner voice that tells you which direction to go. It is that part of you that is connected to Spirit. When you do not listen and follow, you get off course. You experience life in ways that are not pleasant to you. You experience relationships that are painful and jobs you call “dead end.” When you end up in a dead end situation, you ARE actually in the right place. It is the right place, because it is an opportunity for growth. Your life’s journey is all about growth and evolution. You are forever evolving into more of who YOU really are and your intuition (Life’s little compass) will let you know when you are off course and it is never too late to get back on track.
So, how do you get back on track? First, ask yourself “where do I want to go?” When you plan a vacation do you just hop on a plane and fly away? No, you first pick a destination. The first step to moving forward is to pick a destination.
Deciding on a destination is all about discovering who YOU are. Your destination should be in alignment with the real YOU. In other words, WHERE you want to be should be a reflection of WHO you want to be once you get there. One of the ways you can do this is to do a Past, Present, Future analysis of yourself. I recommend that you write a three column list with the first column titled “Past” listing who and where you were. The second column is titled “Present” listing who and where you are. The third column is titled “Future” listing who and where you want to be. It is in the third column where you discover your destination. Your destination is where you focus your thoughts and align your actions that will move you forward.
Once you decide on your destination, the next logical step is to determine how you are going to get there. However, up until now you have experienced some road blocks and delays. As a result, you may not completely trust in your ability to reach your desired destination. Besides, you may be thinking that it was your poor choices and bad decisions that got you to where you are in the first place. How on earth are you going to get to where you WANT to be?
Your success in reaching your destination will be highly dependent upon your ability to recognize and overcome road blocks and delays. Road blocks can come in the form of limited beliefs, interpretations, and assumptions. Delays are caused by behaviors such as procrastination, worry, and negative thought. All of which, are rooted in fear. Fear will paralyze you. Fear will prevent you from moving forward. Fear will tell you that you are not capable of reaching your destination. Fear speaks loud and clear. Fear is so loud that you oftentimes do not hear anything else. Fear will tell you all sorts of lies and more often than not, you believe them. You believe them, internalize them, and create the very reality that you FEAR.
Overcoming fear is not an easy feat, but it is also NOT impossible. Knowledge of self will eliminate all fear. Understanding who YOU really are will nullify those limiting beliefs, interpretations and assumptions, and will destroy procrastination, worry, and self-doubt. When you realize your potential and exercise your power, it is then that fear is rendered powerless and eliminated. The second step to moving forward is to recognize your road blocks and delays.
I encourage you to write down your limiting beliefs, those beliefs about yourself that you have accepted as true which have limited you in some way. Write down any interpretations about the experiences you have had regarding an event, situation or person in which you have formed an opinion or judgment and believed it to be true. Include any assumptions about something that has happened in the past that you believe will happen again, for these are the road blocks that have prevented you from moving forward.
Identify the behaviors that have delayed you from taking the next step. Is it procrastination? Do you continually put off what you can do today, saving it for a tomorrow that never shows up? Are you always in a state of worry, panic, or anxiety? Do you talk yourself out of doing something, being something, or having something because you feel you can’t, you’re not good enough, or because you don’t deserve it? If so, write it down. Recognize it. Stare it in the face and confront it. This exercise is a tool to help you recognize your road blocks and delays for you cannot overcome them if you do not know what they are.
As I stated earlier, your intuition is Life’s little “compass.” It is that inner voice that is connected to Spirit. You are the individualization of Spirit. Spirit is power, therefore; YOU are power. When you become consciously aware of your power and your power source, you can accomplish overcoming your road blocks and delays. The third step to moving forward is to become consciously aware of your power.
You were born with an innate ability to activate your intuition. Whether or not you listen is entirely up to you. Your intuition acts a warning signal as well as a guide. When you listen to and follow your intuition, you are led to the right places and people at the right times. YOU have the POWER to listen to your intuition. YOU have the POWER to choose between the thoughts that empower you and the thoughts that limit you. Every action is preceded by a thought and the actions you choose reflect the thoughts you adhere to. When you become consciously aware of what you are thinking and the actions that follow, YOU become consciously aware of your POWER. Your conscious decisions moving forward will guide you toward your desired destination. The fourth and final step to moving forward is to “act” consciously.
Being consciously aware of not only WHO you are, but WHAT you are doing is empowering. Actions speak louder than words. Your actions are what move you from where you are to where you want to be. Your actions are a testament to what you believe about yourself, your situation, and those around you. Your actions are a reflection of what you are thinking.
Moving forward will require you to “act.” Moving forward is putting one foot in front of the other and taking one step at a time. Moving forward is overcoming fear and releasing the influence of negativity. Moving forward requires intuitive listening and follow- through. Moving forward brings you closer to WHERE you WANT to be.
Your destination is not an end, but rather a temporary place for self-discovery, evolution, and expansion. Your destination is a place where the real YOU can experience a life of purpose, love, joy, harmony, and happiness. As you learn to navigate following Life’s little compass, you will experience a journey without road blocks and delays.