What Makes A Good Leader? A Great Leader? An Extraordinary Leader?
Posted on June 27, 2012 by Brian Woodworth, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Discover what is holding YOU back from being the leader YOU really are!
What makes a good leader? What holds a person back from being a GREAT Leader? What about an extraordinary leader? I’m talking a leader in whatever area of your life; your home, your family, your relationships or work/business. What holds YOU back from being the best YOU possible?
I have listed sixteen “Blocks to Leadership” for most people. Pick the top three that block YOU from being the best YOU can be. Once YOU pick the top three, narrow that down to the ONE top block that prevents YOU from being the best YOU possible for everyone in your life or will come in to your life.
1. Focus On Negative
2. Afraid Of Taking A Risk
3. Have To Work Hard
4. No Vision
5. Fear Of Humiliation
6. Lack Of Self Esteem
7. Close-Minded
8. Unwillingness To Put The Past Behind Me
9. If I Want It Done Right, I Have To Do It Myself
10. No Purpose
11. Fear Of Rejection
12. Perfectionist
13. Martyr
14. Indecision
15. Judgmental
16. Want People To Like Me
Once you determine the top block ask yourself this;
“When I break through this block, I will have…”.(write down what comes to you)
For those who REALLY are serious about this and have the courage to do so, write your top block on one side of a piece of wood and on the other side what you will get once you break through that block. Then give that piece of wood the biggest Karate chop down the center of it and break through that son of a bitch!!!
So break through that block great humans and shine like the amazing bright stars that YOU are!
Be Blessed!